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501st Legion (RET)
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About Kosejonas

  • Birthday 05/13/1990

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Oslo, Norway
  • Interests
    - Music (both listeing and playing).
    - Star Wars.
    - Other Action, Adventure, Fantasy movies in general.
    - Working out.
    - Being creative.
    - Lot's more!

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Nordic Garrison
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  1. Hi buddy, I'm still working on it. It goes kinda slow in the summer because I work a lot. I've finished most of your requests, but have a few tiny details to work on. Will post new pictures soon
  2. Are the dropboxes from the Strider kit smaller? They look great The entire thing looks great
  3. I'm am so sorry for the wait guys. I've been on tour since 1st of November. Please don't wthdraw my application. I have a lot of troops today, tomorrow, and the whole weekend because of the premiere. So I will start on my Lancer Project next week
  4. By that you mean the Velcro measurement, right? Of course. I will take a picture tonight
  5. Hey Q, I have now updated my post with 4 new photos in the bottom. Pics of greeblies on the thermal detonator, upper arms and closeup's on the boots. Please inform me if you would like photos of anything else
  6. Hey Lancer Review Team I've been working hard on this, and can't wait for you guys to reply FYI: The reason for the bund not being straight and fitted in the back, is cause I didn't have any help when putting it on Jonas Aas TB-11230 Nordic Garrison, Norway, Capital District Squad Armor & Helmet: Studio Creations Helmet decals: TrooperBay.com Undersuit: DIY Bund: UK Marcel's TD clips: Theclip.com Boots: UK Marcel's Gloves: MFX Balaclava: DIY Blaster: eBay.co.uk (This pic will be posted during the day, since I forgot to take a picture of it). I'm aware that the upper arm on the left hand side is too far back. These pictures was taken in a hurry before I left for work
  7. Yeah, good point! Be carefull not to overheat when drilling. Just keep a glass of water nearby and dip the tip of the drillbit in the water once in a while and your good The water that attaches to the drill ends up in the rivet and that is enough
  8. I used to have two rivets on each side, and when I changed my belt to lancer specs, I just drilled out the rivets. It's very easy to do, though be care full to not put to much pressure on with the drill. This can cause the plastic to break. As Corey said, u should use a support on the backside which is perfectly demonstrated on Corey's belt above I have used the combination of glue, rivet and a support piece of ABS on the back Good luck buddy
  9. Hi Alex, First off, I would recommend you to file a request for access to the Pathfinder part of the forum. You can do this by publishing a thread on this link http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showforum=13 (Remember, you will have to add a link to your 501st page in the thread). When it comes to the uploading of photos, I would recommend you to do the same as most users on BSN. Upload on an external picture host (ex. Tinypic.com or nb.imgbb.com). You have limited with space you are allowed to use on this forum because the servers has limited capacity. The reason for that is that it costs money to run BSN, and these servers. This forum is funded by the members by donating money to the Command Staff. Hope this helps, and good luck
  10. I've said this before! I don't know anyone who gives as good service as Jeff #GoodFellowBiker
  11. Have you tried the "mom I miss you" trick? Then they come running to keep you company for a few days, and they also usually fill up the frigdes
  12. The mom trick never fails
  13. HAHAHA! I love the fact that you forgot that you had Thermal Detonator parts in the oven
  14. You might be in a pickle here :/ I have never tried to fix something this big. Butt guess it's possible to fix, but it would probably be easier to just buy a new shoulder bell from vendor. MAYBE, you could fill the normal shoulder bell you've got with sculpting paste, and put the deformed bell on top of that sculpt while heating it up. It's the only solution I can think of. But hey, there are more creative souls on this forum than me Good luck buddy
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