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Revolver Ocelot

501st Legion Member
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About Revolver Ocelot

  • Birthday 05/13/1984

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California Garrison
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  1. Thanks for the replies guys!
  2. Do ya'll still wear under armor underneath the shore short/pants?
  3. Has anyone done a flip up visor mod for the bikerchick helmet?
  4. Yea. I think 3dpropsnl seems like the way to go. He said he prints in resin.
  5. Thanks for the info. I did not know the difference between PLA, PETG and ABS. I've got alot more research to do.
  6. Any opinions on accuracy of this one. From 3dprintmercmart. I've gotten Clone blasters from him in the past and they are nice, he is local too. He doesn't usually offer them but can on special order basis. $150 for kit.
  7. Ok. I figured the price was way too low to be for an accurate version.
  8. Anyone deal with 3dprintoys? They offer an E22 and rogue 1 E11. To my very untrained eye, they look really clean. https://www.etsy.com/listing/846600550/e-22-blaster-rifle-3d-prited-kit?ref=hp_rv-1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/724063324/e-11-blaster-custom-3d-printed-kit?ref=shop_home_active_44
  9. For those with Impetial Surplus kits, do you have any good pics of how the shoulder buckles sit? Particularly from the side.
  10. I didn't think bikerchick was still making kits. I'll look into it.
  11. Has anyone used Galactic Armory's armor and helmet files?
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