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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by DaringDragoon

  1. Thanks for the thoughts. I thought I heard something about 850 being on v3.0 But even at an improved version it $350 still seams cheap and I don't like the fact that the helmet is resin.
  2. Hi, Working on a build that doesn't break the bank. Considering KB Props (700 Armor and Helmet) or 850 Armor Work (490 Armor and Helmet) are these worth the cost savings? Or do they require too much effort to mod for approval and thus make it worth the extra money to order from say BSP or Imperial Surplus. Thoughts from anyone who got approval using these would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  3. What armorer did you get your kit from?
  4. Thanks for the info guys! Much appreciated!
  5. Hi, Helping my anti-social, yet cosplyer wife (strange I know) do preliminary work on a Scout Armor build (working on a Heavy Weapon TK myself). Anyone ever posted a thread on the total cost of a build?
  6. True, racing suits are $$$ and uncomfortable in the heat. We weren't sure if taking in a Flight suit or coveralls was an option. My wife is a seamstress and cosplay costumer designer in her spare time so getting the mod work done isn't problem. Thanks for the heads up guys we appreciate it.
  7. So my wife is contemplating a Biker Scout build but we have some questions about the Flight Suit. We noticed that with some builds the flight suit adds level of "bulkiness" to the build that we find aesthetically displeasing. The CRL says The undersuit is a one or two-piece black textile suit, such as military flight suits, motorcycle racing suits, industrial work clothing (Dickies), or similar suit modified appropriately. Now considering that many motorcycle racing suits are considerably more form fitting then a flight suit our question is, "Has anyone experienced a problem with approval using a form fitting Motorcycle racing suit as opposed to a baggy flight suit or work clothing option?" Thanks
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