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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Cadet

  1. The overwhelming majority of Scouts kits in the 501st will be Vacuum Formed ABS plastic.
  2. Another Studio Creation helmet here that just stays open on its own with the bolts tightened down sufficiently.
  3. As the saying goes, "When in Doubt, Check the CRL." https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:Scout-Trooper-The-Mandalorian For the Mando Scout a "Single colored Sole" is only a requirement for Level 2, not Basic approval, so my gut would e that you should be okay using those for Basic Approval. Plus, with the Mando Scout, you can use the weathering to help obscure the color differences.
  4. The Ohio Garrison has an "Academy" Program to help prospective members with their builds, and even attempts to pair them up with an approved member who has done a similar costume to offer advice, and once Social Distancing is relaxed again, in person help. The Academy can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/424411774598576
  5. I can't comment specifically on their Kashyyyk files, but I know several people have approved in Galactic Armory's "Standard" Phase I and II clone armor over at CTD. They are the 3D print file source most recommended for Standard clones over there, including by the Detachment Staff. Of course, just because they have good/accurate Standard Clone files doesn't automatically mean their Kashyyyk would be as accurate, but, I would assume the level of quality between the armor set files would be comparable?
  6. Technically you would be Blue Grass based on Geography. However, that shouldn't stop you from joining the Ohio Garrison Academy page to see if some of our Cincinnati area members can assist with your build, or even feeling free to Troop in Ohio and sign up for our Event Forums once you are an official member! Also, if you do join and find yourself doing more events in Cincinnati/Ohio than you do Kentucky, you can request a special transfer to the Ohio Garrison. Over the years we have had a few people actually go both ways, a few Northern Kentucky people request to have their membership transferred to Ohio and a few Southern Ohio people request to have their membership transferred to Kentucky! As long as both Garrison COs don't mind, its not a big deal.
  7. Hey, Tim. The Ohio Garrison has an "Academy" Program to help prospective members with their builds, and even attempts to pair them up with an approved member who has done a similar costume to offer advice, and once Social Distancing is relaxed again, in person help. The Academy can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/424411774598576
  8. If you are going for Lancer, which your post makes it look like you are, pretty much any construction method will require re-painting the helmet as Lancer calls for "No Visible Seams on the Dome," and you'll need to paint after filling in and sanding down around the seams. Even the screen accurate construction helmets, split down the sides instead of Back and Cap like the SC helmet, need their center seam filled, sanded, and painted, for Lancer. One thing, though, is that The Mandalorian Biker Scout CRL will only be Level 1/Basic Approval at first, and Level 2 and "Lancer" requirements will be rolled out down the line, but, It's probably a safe bet to assume the Seamless Helmet will end up being a requirement.
  9. What is the status of this costume? My understanding of the announcement that the costume had been "Greenlit" by the LMO team was that this costume was now considered appropriate for 501st Membership in the future, once someone finished it and a CRL was drafted. However, KB PRops, and now multiple members of my Garrison are saying that @heartstopper85 has been "Approved" in this costume. I assumed maybe there was a miscommunication or jumping the gun by KB Props, but was repeatedly told "No, KB Props said he was approved and this costume is good to go for everyone now."
  10. I kind of viewed "The Client" (Werner Herzog) and Moff Gideon's forces as two separate entities. To me it was that The Cilent might have been a former Imperial, but he wasn't a particularity High Ranking one, a Military one, or one that had retained much power after the Fall, so, his Forces that we see on Navarro, the initial TKs and Scouts who are there before the Moff arrives, were the more "Mercenary" Forces. Former Imperials who had let their standards lapse and were just out for hire. The Two Scouts talk about Gideon like they don't really know him or work for him all the time, that they are working for The Client who in Turn is working for Moff Gideon. The forces we see on Navarro before Gideon gets there are like, Sub-Contractors, not the Moff's actual personal forces, who don't show up until he arrives. However, I viewed Moff Gideon as someone who had managed to Retain his power and influence after the Fall, a step above even a "War Lord." As such, he was able to keep his Troops, the one that arrive with him, to fomer Imperial Standards and keep them maintained and supplied. This is the guy with Darksaber after all.
  11. Potentially dumb question, but, when making your own "rank bar" do you just cut off the tabs on the light covers and glue it directly to the bar? I was starting to get ready to actually cut the slits for the tabs into the bar and felt like that was too much, especially since the bar should rest flat.
  12. Just got it in and Can confirm the Amazon belt has the correct number of double hole rows that are close together at the one end.
  13. Parts of Star Wars recommends: " The khaki heavy duty cotton belt is 1 3/4 inches wide. Model number 4171 Size unknown (Presumed XL - 54 inches long) https://www.amazon.com/Military-Double-Canvas-Army-Grommet/dp/B07F1915MX/ref=as_li_ss_tl?dchild=1&keywords=double+prong+pistol+belt&qid=1577595435&sr=8-1&th=1&psc=1&fbclid=IwAR1g_MCRU1Sj8UoYSRoC0rSygldzesjsjIU-yTB_JKvctZeGwP0BWNU-q1w&linkCode=sl1&tag=chrisreiff-20&linkId=ad1561dbd75134148986a6f42d60a2d0&language=en_US https://www.armyuniverse.com/accessories/belts/vintage-belts/khaki-vintage-military-pistol-belt-with-double-prong-buckle.html?fbclid=IwAR3-4FmxRwewK0Gqf0v3Ve81LVyL6yEzEFeubSPTIKFP9f-GPDpbeAocChI" Picked up the Amazon one. Wife really wants the bag for her Scout, so we'll see how the belt looks when it comes in.
  14. I thought I read on here that that the webbing for the drop boxes was 1.5 inches. I have been to two different local Jo Anne Fabrics and and two different local Hobby Lobbys and neither had White or Off White 1.5" cotton Webbing. None of four had any 1.5" parachute buckles either, well, at least none without giant reflectors on them. Where any of you able to find the appropriate webbing in a local fabric shop? Or do you have website to recommend? I poked around a little online but couldn't quickly find a place online that sold the 1.5" Cotton Webbing not in like 10 or more yard rolls.
  15. It will be a big help, thanks! That is pretty close to what I penciled in. I understand that the KS are/were over sized, just trying to make them a little more accurate in sizing.
  16. Hey, Scouts. Working on helping a friend trim a set of KS armor. The drop boxes in the kit are very large, plenty of space for trimming. I was hoping someone had some rough dimensions to go off of for trimming them down, as I know the screen used ones definitely seem to sit tight against the thigh. Thanks in advance for any help.
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