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501st Pathfinder
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About jacketrat

  • Birthday 04/08/1975

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501st Information

  • Name
    Nathan Sevigny
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Alpine Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I think I'm done. After the last set of pictures, I took all the advice, and spent pretty much all day Saturday with a garrison seamstress / wizard and improved my "rebuild". But I think it's pretty much done at this point. And again, I need the feedback, critique and anything pointed out that keeps me from being approved to the CRL standards. So here are a whole new set of photos. Please ... let me know if there's anything preventing it from passing Legion standards.
  2. One question I have regards the rivets on the belt. A member of my garrison is suggesting that the rivets must be painted white. He thinks that original "silver" color of rivets are incorrect. Any thoughts on this? Must the belt rivets be painted white for Legion approval?
  3. Thanks for the critique. This is exactly what I need. I'm going to take all your advice and get to work on fixing this. I've contacted a seamstress in our garrison to work on the cummerbund. The back will be shorten, as well as the "camel toe" situation. I will also modify the vest, drop boxes, biceps ... the works. These seems much more simple and don't require a seamstress. I can easily fix those myself. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Fellow Tree-Dodgers I'm pretty close to the end of my rebuild. Yesterday, I finished the helmet by attaching the snout greeblie. That evening, I got fully armored up to take submission photos. The following pictures are for you guys to critique. Please list anything that still needs to be addressed. When I analyzed the photos, I immediately found something that I needed to do. One of the first posts mentioned the cummerbund was not supposed to go beneath the belt. They also said that the pouches all needed to be raised to the point they touched the chest armor. I thought that if I simply raised the cummerbund, it would bring it up enough that it wasn't beneath the belt. I was half right. When I did that, it brought it up in the front .... but not in the back. When you see the rear pictures, you'll see what I'm talking about. The cummerbund is clearly below the thermal detonator. Don't worry guys ... I see this, and I've already made arrangements to have the cummerbund shortened appropriately. One other minor detail is I think I tightened the knee plates elastic too tightly. It caused my flight suit to bunch up around the knees and give a weird look. I should have just loosened them. I guess I was paranoid they'd fall off. Live and learn, eh? But please ... point out anything else that I need to address. BUCKET OFF FRONT FRONT TURNED RIGHT TURNED BACK TURNED RIGHT - ARMS UP TURNED LEFT - ARMS UP TURNED LEFT ACTION POSE #1 ACTION POSE #2 BUTT FLAP - CLOSE UP SUEDE THIGH PATCHES - CLOSE UP
  5. Okay. So today was all about attaching the snout greeblie, and finishing up the helmet. Below are pictures that show the process on what I did. Basically, I painted the greeblie gray. And then I had to tape up the helmet, so it could be painted with the black trim.
  6. Okay guys ... I'm coming down to the end of my rebuild for my biker scout. The only thing I really have left to do is to attach the greeblie to the nose snout. As you can see, I got the greeblie, and I've cleaned up the bucket .... I just need to bring the two together so I can now scout in all biker-tree-dodging glory. But before I do that, I have a question: When I bought the biker scout, the previous greeblie had a black trim going around the entire snout. But when I looked at the CRL,the photo did not have the black trim going around the entire perimeter. This is the photo from the CRL So my question is: does that black trim go all the way around the snout greeblie, or (as shown in the CRL) does it only go around the sides and top? I've known times in which the CRL has been wrong. I just want to get this right, and want your advice. Again, any assist isn't very appreciated.
  7. Okay ... here's an image of the newly decaled helmet with the visor's lens installed.
  8. With me being so close to submitting my first approval pictures, I needed to get some more done with weekend. That's why I christened Saturday to be forever called S.B.S. aka "Scout Bucket Saturday. If you look at some of the previous photos, I mentioned that many of the decals looked wonky. If they were going to be replaced / upgraded, I had to begin SBS by removing those inaccurate decals. That was surprisingly easy. Then it was simple as peeling and pasting new stickers on a clean white surface ... literally!!! As far as I can tell, the only thing remaining for the bucket is the visor and snout greeblie. I've already placed the visor lens in. I got believe I forgot to take pictures. I'll take some pictures soon and post them. But I'll be putting the snout greeblie in later this week ... most likely that will be on S.B.S. II: The Scout Rides Again!
  9. Thanks for the heads up on that. When I stood for the photo, I didn't realize the pouches were sitting so low. I'll take another photo, in which I have the pouches raised all the way to the chest armor. If the cummerbund is still resting below the belt, I'll have the cummerbund shortened appropriately. Thank you for telling me that. I want to get this right!
  10. Why didn't I think of that?! I was searching the internet and I never once stopped to look in Pathfinder's member database. Good thing the detachment isn't called "Member Finder" because I would fail ... FAIL! But paths I can definitely find. (I think)
  11. Thank you so much for the assist. I've already ordered the helmet decals via Trooperbay. But about the snout greeblie. BTW ... thank you for telling me the name of that. As a stormtrooper and a clonetrooper, I wrongly assumed that it was a vocoder. Now I know. Anyways ... does DVH mean Darth Vorhees? I googled DVH, and that came up. But Google gave me no direction on how to contact him, or how to order the greeblie. Can you give me a further assist, please?
  12. A few weeks ago, I bought Biker Scout from a garrison member. He recently bought a house, and I think he was trying to raise money. We all know how that goes, right? Anyways, this had been previously approved. But even though you buy a previously approved costume, it will have to be reapproved under CRL standards. So when I bought the costume, I immediately knew that several modifications would have to be done. I'm going to try to list some of the major modifications I've done thus far. CUMMERBUND The previous owner and I are relatively the same height, we still have different body types. So I needed to have most of the soft armor fitted to me. Below are a before and after photo, showing how the cummerbund was going to need to be fitted to me. FLIGHT SUIT Like the cummerbund, the flight suit was simply too large. I think it was made for somebody that was 6 feet tall. I am barely over 5' 8", so it obviously needed to be modified. Enlisting a garrison member for her sewing skill , and she was able to get the flight suit down to size. It's hard to tell, but trust me that the flight suit was originally much too large for me. In the following picture, it fits much much better. The suit's crotch was originally more than two inches below me. It made the diaper look like I had dropped a giant turd in it. So anyways .... HELMET The helmet needs several repairs and upgrades. As of now, it is not fully finished but improvements have been made. I'm going to show a before and after of the helmet's side vents. In the first picture, you can see how the curvature of the vent is sorta clunky and unrefined. I removed the mesh, sanded the curve smoother, and put a whole new mesh on. The following picture shows a frontal view of the helmet. There were two things that were bothering me. The first was the three vertical gray stripes painted on the helmet's forehead. I had to remove these and still need to have decals made. The second items was the shape of the visor. If you look at the visor, the right side is actually larger than the left. They are not symmetrical. And it sorta throws the whole thing off by making it look wonky. So using paint thinner, I removed the three vertical stripes. And then I sanded out the visor to a more symmetrical shape. I'm much more satisfied on how the helmet looks now. I still need to have new vertical stripes added. I also found a better visor lens at the Army / Navy surplus store. The larger, better lens has notches that will help it remain in place. If you look closely at the new lens, you see an "ESS" logo along the upper rim. Don't worry ... I've tested this lens out and the logo will be hidden above the brow line. You'll never see it. I haven't inserted the lens in yet, but will be doing it this upcoming weekend. On the back of the helmet, the vertical stripes are a complete mess. If you look, they are not spaced appropriately, nor are they level. It's a very messy look. Again, I didn't do this. This is how I bought it. I really need to find a new set of vertical decals and get these replaced. The upgrades and repairs are not fully complete. But it's definitely taking shape. Before I tore the suit apart, I did take a picture of myself. Overall, it looks pretty good. But with a few corrections, it'll look even better. Stay tuned for the next couple weeks as the Biker Scout upgrades are completed. I'm give you my to-do list. These are items that I need to obtain before I can seek 501st Legion approval. I don't know where to get these items, so any help or assistance is greatly appreciated. 1. Obtain three vertical stripes decals for the helmet's brow. 2. Obtain a new vocoder for the helmet's snout 3. Obtain new set of vertical decals for helmet's rear I would also appreciate any critiques so I can make sure I'm doing this right. As I said, this costume was previously approved. This was about two years ago. I don't know if the CRL has changed much since then, but I just want to make sure that I'm doing this right. Thanks guys!
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