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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by BuckeyeTrooper

  1. Thanks so much! Feel like I have a better handle on it now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks for the info! So are you saying the spacer is a third piece in the visor? Or just on the bottom side of it? The WTF visor has plenty of plastic to not need a spacer for width, but I have seen many use an extra piece on the underside to help hold it together. I'll also be using Devcon to fill the seam, per Walt. It was amazing to work with for putting together the two halves of the main helmet. And that red line you marked, for some reason, my magnets slipped a bit before I took the pictures, it lines up much better than what is shown. May need to trim some more though so it doesn't have as much stress on it and it stays in place better.
  3. Just want some of you to weigh in before I glue this thing together. How much space should there be between the top of the face plate (above the eyes) and the front lip of the visor? The side of the face and the visor line up a bit better than that last pic, the magnets slipped a little before I took it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks! I was looking at those, but wasn't sure which style to go with on Tandy. This helps!
  5. Never occurred to me to buy a jacket and cut it up. Thanks for the advice!
  6. OK, I feel like an idiot, but I'm trying to find some real black suede for the flap and riding patches....anyone have a good source? Mostly just finding faux suede or genuine suede in bulk. Tried Tandy, but they had several options and I wasn't sure which to go for, if any. Haven't had any issue finding anything else, just this! Thanks in advance for the help!
  7. I just saw you intro post! Nice to see another from Central Ohio joining the Ohio Garrison!
  8. I did see some other posts about the HfX scope after my earlier comment and saw a post about the built-in magnets on the DHV. Thanks for the input, definitely leaning that way now Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. I did see some other posts about the HfX scope after my earlier comment and saw a post about the built-in magnets on the DHV. Thanks for the input, definitely leaning that way now Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. I did see some other posts about the HfX scope after my earlier comment and saw a post about the built-in magnets on the DHV. Thanks for the input, definitely leaning that way now Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Thanks for this. Just starting a scout, trying to figure out with one to get. I have a hyperfirm e11, might go that route again
  12. Just recently got approved as an ESB Stormtrooper (TK-14256) in April for my first build of any kind, missed the research & building process, so it's time to make a scout. Excited to get started!
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