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501st Pathfinder
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About Emerald27c

  • Birthday May 8

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501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Bluegrass Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. All a great start then Wraithinthenight, your motivation to start a costume early is an awesome thing. You are already in all the right places to ask questions and get great feedback and support. Just this past weekend my good friend from the R2 Builders was over here at the house with his family and we kicked off his 15 year old daughters Shadow Scout build...its never too early to start. Stay motivated and ask questions if you have them.
  2. Thanks Arminius and BikerScout007!! Hi Wraithinthenight, so glad to see that you have an interest in joining the Detachment. All of the links that Arminius provided are great resources and I recommend that you follow up within each of them for great advice on the Legion, the Detachment recommendations, and to establish Bluegrass Garrison contacts to draw a wealth of knowledge and support from when you are ready to build. I would add a resource to his list at this point for you at the Bluegrass Garrison Academy , https://www.facebook.com/groups/1183885911745658/ . At this site we have open build and skills conversations for WIP costumes, another great resource for your research and support locally. Can I ask which Pathfinder Costume you are looking to construct in the future? The Bluegrass Garrison has a wealth of experience to tap into to help you when you are ready to start. Also, where in the Commonwealth are you located? I could put you in touch with Squad Leaders and/or with local members that can provide additional support with your build and keep you up to date on local-to-you armor parties; something that I would highly recommend you attend for the connections and an additional resources.. Thanks again for your interest and I am looking forward to seeing you at a event locally.
  3. Hello Pathfinders, I am Stephen (TB-92310) of the Bluegrass Garrison. The Pathfinder members of Kentucky have come together to start an A.R.T. for our Garrison. The GCO acknowledges our application and although there are still some loose ends to tie up we are ready and excited to go. The following details are provided, thanks. A.R.T Name: Tempest Force Garrison: Bluegrass Garrison Pathfinder Member Count: 5 TB- 92310 TB-6327 TB-86253 TB-40212 TB-32545 Garrison Contact: Stephen Hekeler TB-92310 Logo: WIP Social Media: WIP **we understand that once launched a member of the DL team and a member of the G-CS should be invited to join the page
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