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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Hadde

  1. RIP Jim. Thank you for all you have done for the legion and the pathfinders.
  2. Thank you everyone!
  3. Thank you all! :)
  4. What a way to start the day! Thank you all very much! I'm honored to be apart of the ranks. I'll get that picture sent over asap. Thank you again!
  5. Hello all and sorry for the spam. I still think my mudflap is a bit too long even after trimming 2 inches off so I just wanted to get some opinions before I did anything else to it. I know there are alot of pending apps in right now and I'm not in a rush at all but I just wanted to mention it. Thank you guys and keep up the good work!
  6. I have seen the post Chef made in the 2016/17 Lancer standards and I went ahead and changed the bicep armor strap to 2 inches. Thank you all!
  7. Hello, I have made the necessary changes including trimming the belt, new bells, and shortening the mudflap. I believe I have done everything that was requested so i'm ready to try this again haha I also changed the bell bicep strap back to the 1 3/8 size instead of the 1/2 inch. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration! EDIT: I noticed you could see the yellow wampa wear tags on the gloves. I apologize for this!! I have removed the tag and will post a picture at the bottom.
  8. Understood! I appreciate the feedback and the clarification strider as well as the references you sent. All is good man! I'm working on the mudflap and the belt now so I'll get those fixed and make sure all is lined up for the pictures. I'm looking at about another 2 weeks until the new bells come in but they are gonna look alot better than the ones I had which I agree were too small. Again thank you for the clarification and helping me to understand how it all works. I appreciate it!
  9. Alright I will work on the issues and post back once I have the bells In place. Thanks all!
  10. Thanks strider. So i need to remove the padding from the pouches as well right? also, I have scoured the CRL for this but there is nothing there? black elastic on the tank topper? this was a recently approved lancer. just so I have official confirmation, are all lancer builds to go off of the 2016/17 lancer CRL or the "screen accurate" gino's build? I think everyone would benefit from an official answer so we would know if we are to follow the LANCER CRL to build these to approvable costumes or throw out the CRL and go off a build thread? if we are going off of ginos build all of the CRL's should be updated so people dont get stuck with old information.
  11. How much trimming does the belt need? The bells are on order as mentioned above. The pouches are directly from bsn template. 2x7x6.
  12. bells are ordered. Ill let you know as soon as I have them. Thank you all.
  13. Thank you sir! On a side note I will be replacing the shoulder bells with studio creations bells once I have the funds to do so. Thank you all
  14. Hello all! I corrected the shoulder bells and replaced the material on the back of the belt with nylon webbing. I had to wait for a break in the rain to get a good picture, Thank you all and let me know if you need me to do anything else Pathfinders lead the way!
  15. Another buckeye! Welcome!
  16. Thank you! I am correcting the shoulder bells as we speak! I will post Pictures asap. Thank you again!
  17. I noticed while looking at the CRL for 16-17 Lancer standards again that I messed up on my knee armor and painted the rivets white. I have corrected this and apologize for the mix up. Thank you!
  18. No worries at all! I completely understand. Thank you sir!
  19. Any feedback or suggestions? Thank you!
  20. Corrected! Thank you for the feedback sir! I tightened the shoulder bell straps and corrected the buckles on belt / drop box allignment.
  21. Thank you for your time and consideration!
  22. Name: Derek Hadfield 501st ID: 43043 Garrison: Garrison Corellia Height: 6'2" Weight: 236 lbs Helmet: Altmanns w/ KW Designs Bolts Armor: KS/SC Hybrid Boots: Self made Cummerbund: Self made Pouches: Self made Flak vest: Self made Gloves: Wampa Wear Flight suit: Self made Blaster: DVH V2 Scout Blaster
  23. awesome! Im gonna go with this suit as well! Thanks for the post!
  24. Looks great!
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