Hello from Poland!
My name is Matthias and of course I am a big fan of SW. When I saw Episode VI for the first time, I fell in love with Scout Troopers at first sight
I researched this website for a while, and contacted a few scouts in my local garrison. I got advises about most of the costume parts. Most of them I can do myself. The only problem is armor and helmet.
What is more, I need to highlight that Scout Trooper would be my first Star Wars costume ever.
So as far as I know, the best option would be to order kit from KS, SC or MC. I heard that waiting for MC takes a loooot of time, so I am almost sure to take kit (armor + helmet) from SC.
However, the prices of kits are very high for standards of my country (Above monthly salary). So I have got fears, that I wont get it, I will be deceived or kit will be damaged during transport from America to Europe.
Is it safe to order those kits? How long I would wait for them?
What is more, I read somewhere on this forum, that in Europe I could order helmet from Rob D'Chef. What do you think about it? I searched for his site, but I could not find any information about his helmets...
Can I order any other part in Europe? Or just Helmet?
Also which Armor tutorial from this forum would you recommend for a total newbie?
Thanks in advance!