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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Thamiar

  1. Hehe, ok thanks
  2. What do you mean by tank strap?
  3. Hello, recently I started building by bike trooper armor. In my kit I found something like that * see attachment and I have no idea what is it for? I bought Chefs Armour Kit, however he is offline since 2018 and not responding. Maybe someone other will help me to identify this thing?
  4. Wampa Wear is out of Large Gloves. Someone knows if they will restock before December? Edit: Well, if someone is interested, Large gloves appeared again!
  5. Well, Im just worried, that L glove will be to big, but due to the WW chart it is almost too small. I measured my hand, like your glove on the second picture and I got 7.5cm so 2.95 inches. It looks like XL is waay to large. But due to the instructions below, I got 23cm - 9.25 inches. So L/XL... I All my clothes are always "M", that is why I dont know what to do
  6. Alright, they restocked they gloves, but I am a bit confused about their sizing. I am a small (170cm) guy, with small hands (In my opinion.) I measured my hand, with the instruction on this video: My hand size is 23.5-24 cm, so circa about 9.25-9.4 inches... I looked and the size chart, and It looks like I should get L or even XL... Is everything correct?! If my hands requires L/XL i cannot imagine problems with bigger people.
  7. Well, I hope they will restock Medium Gloves soon, this size is the only one lacking on their sale on ebay
  8. I don't want to create a new topic, So i'll ask here I am almost sure that I'll by my armor from SC . However, now I am aiming to get helmet. The problem is, that I live in Europe, and I think it would be easier (and faster) to order it from European armorer. Do we have any in Europe? I heard about Chef, but is he the only one? What do you think about his helmets?
  9. Thanks for all the responses! I am almost sure, that I will take SC armor kit. But as for now, my budget allows me to order only the Helmet . And that is why, I would really ask if helmets of the providers I mentioned, are the only 'good' choices. Anyone heard about nice buckets from Europe Armorers?
  10. I am wondering if vest from this tutorial would not be too thin? Vests from movies seems like they were quilted. Would it be enough for the 501st approval? Or should it be made with 2 t-shirt layers with batting material in-between.
  11. Am I wrong, or on scouts in rebels do not have pouches?
  12. Hello from Poland! My name is Matthias and of course I am a big fan of SW. When I saw Episode VI for the first time, I fell in love with Scout Troopers at first sight I researched this website for a while, and contacted a few scouts in my local garrison. I got advises about most of the costume parts. Most of them I can do myself. The only problem is armor and helmet. What is more, I need to highlight that Scout Trooper would be my first Star Wars costume ever. So as far as I know, the best option would be to order kit from KS, SC or MC. I heard that waiting for MC takes a loooot of time, so I am almost sure to take kit (armor + helmet) from SC. However, the prices of kits are very high for standards of my country (Above monthly salary). So I have got fears, that I wont get it, I will be deceived or kit will be damaged during transport from America to Europe. Is it safe to order those kits? How long I would wait for them? What is more, I read somewhere on this forum, that in Europe I could order helmet from Rob D'Chef. What do you think about it? I searched for his site, but I could not find any information about his helmets... Can I order any other part in Europe? Or just Helmet? Also which Armor tutorial from this forum would you recommend for a total newbie? Thanks in advance! Matthias
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