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Everything posted by KingZach496

  1. Thanks for the advice, Korry. I'll definitely keep looking around and ask questions before making any decisions!
  2. Ok thanks for the info. There's also another place called Far Away Creations that sell Scout armor. Are they any good? Haven't heard too much about them from others.
  3. Thanks for the advice. So where would I be able to find an Altmanns at? Heard they're very hard to find.
  4. This is my first armor build, and before I jump into it, I could use a little advice about places to purchase armor from. So I was thinking about purchasing my body armor from studio creations, and my helmet from Altmann's (If i can get my hands on one). Are these companies reliable and known for well-built, accurate costume parts? If not, then any suggestions on where to get them from? Even though this is my first armor build, I'm not afraid of attempting to build my own armor from a kit. And I am on a budget, so what would be my best choice?
  5. Ok thanks for the info!
  6. Thank you very much! I'll head over there right now and see what I can learn.
  7. Hey there! I'm new to world of Star Wars costuming, and I was looking for some help to get started on my Biker Scout armor. Any suggestions on where to look or who to buy from would be much appreciated!
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