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501st Pathfinder
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About Josealfonso

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  • 501st Garrison
    Spanish garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Good afternoon classmates Finished to start the project of the sea trooper, the suit is almost the same as the biker biker but with fins hanging from the waist and oxygen bottles in the back and some more details. The only references I have found in comics. Is there any possibility of doing crl? Thank you!!!
  2. Para cuando estaran a la venta?
  3. Fantastico trabajo, cuando estaran a la venta? Alguien me puede pasar el hilo para comprar los del destacamento? Gracias
  4. A
  5. good morning companions first of all apologize if the thread is not correct. I have a high as trooper and now I 'm gonna ride a biker but I want to signs of battle, with flashes and forest green markings the so appreciate if anyone has to pass me photos and informacion.sobre all someone responsible for giving high. Thank you
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