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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Mrimagination

  1. Is RS Prop Masters going to start offering these for sale or do they need to be commissioned?
  2. Holy Helmet Batman! That is fantastic!
  3. Sounds great! - I need some armor.. Lol. I have nothing. I had finished doing up a full ghostbusters uniform and protonpack and now want to step into Bikerscout armor. Both the Ontario ghostbusters and the 501st help charities and I'm gungho to help. I am working hard to trim down to trooper fitness levels, But I am not sure where to start looking for 501st grade scout supplies. I am sure someone out there is making armor pulled from molds need to track 'em down.
  4. Where to start my costume... Lose 100 lbs Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Thanks folks
  6. New recruit Wilhelm at your service. Looking to do a lot of good in the name of the Empire.
  7. 3rd post lol trying to get to the trade area. 2 more to go. So (explative) excited to join.
  8. Came here looking for resources to get my uniform
  9. Hello from the great white north. New Canadian recruit. Wilhelm is my name.
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