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Everything posted by xjustavegansithx

  1. The black version ðŸ‘🿠Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. In the SW costumes book the surgeon the gloves is also not black. So how come it has to be black for clearance. Just out of interest. In the movies it's more black, but I thought in the book it would be accurate I'm happy to make it black although it looks kinda cool
  4. Looks like it's not a bad glove according to the reactions. Took off the straps and zippers. Later I will color the suede if necessary ðŸ‘🿠Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I have the same idea for my scout armor. So i'm gonna read along
  6. Got these gloves for $5. They look fine to me, but what do I know Hope they are ok for basic!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. thank you! I wrote them a message
  8. Hi scouts, i was wondering if there is anyone with the same problem and maybe even a solution to my problem. I know there are some great glove-makers out there, but as far as i know they all use leather. Since i don't wanna wear leather ,i thought maybe some vegan / vegetarian scouts on this forum might have come across a pair of gloves that are faux leather, pleather and acceptable for 501st. would be great if someone could put this treehugger in the right direction
  9. this is what i had in mind doing with my future outfit. It looks awesome. But i'm right at the start and getting my first helmet "soon" (the altmann takes 8/9 weeks) So i have a lot of time getting into the wethering skills Didn't see to much about it here on the forum. Not really a lot of scouts weather their outfit i guess. O well, i keep digging here and learn a lot !!
  10. I guess the trading section is a nice feature for the new scouts here. So let's get to 5 posts
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