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501st Legion Member
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Snub999 last won the day on March 20 2019

Snub999 had the most liked content!


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About Snub999

  • Birthday 04/16/1986

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    Clovis, CA
  • Interests
    Surfing, Swimming, why am I not a seatrooper?

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  • 501st Garrison
    Central California Garrison
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111 profile views
  1. Impressive. Most Impressive.
  2. I leave for a month or two and I come back to find this? Awesome work. Second to none Mike!
  3. Congrats Kids. How the hell you got Los Angeles from binary code I will never know.
  4. OUTstanding Photo Ghst!
  5. Could it be possible that the toe would be leather and the shin would be armor? Toe armor wouldn't allow for much flex when walking.
  6. I'm not personally a fan of the BARC, but it's hard to deny quality work. This sculpt is beautiful Phg. And speaking based on your track record, you have yet to disappoint even the most discerning minds on BSN. Stomp on my brother!
  7. http://www.militarykit.com/images/products...desert_boot.jpg This is the base boot I used for my scout boots. It's a standard issue combat boot. It's not the one the Marines use now, but it's still a nice boot.
  8. Couldn't you just use a dark green flight suit with a dark/black camo scheme? That's what it looks like that photo to me on that thread you posted.
  9. I thought you were making them to your scale anyways. And besides, if the armor is too small, then it looks, well, homemade.
  10. When the armor is done, it will blow posers like this away. They're calling this the Legion's first BARC!
  11. The picture almost remind me of a gator like WWII troops used to wear. You know, over the top of the boot.
  12. I'm not a big fan of the BARC trooper, but I recognize quality work when I see it. Good work, and the tutorial is nice. Even if you aren't planning to make the helmet, it's neat to watch it's evolution.
  13. Words do this sculpt no credit. *drooling*
  14. How much do they cost?
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