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501st Legion Member
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About CdnBison

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  • 501st Garrison
    Badlands Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I've had this WTF kit sitting here for FAR too long, and I'm finally dedicating time to get it done. Soft good are mostly covered already - coveralls still need the saddle and buttflap attached, and the whites are being made. My big fear is the trimming - I'm petrified of taking too much off. That, and getting the helmet and back tank / armor put together. I'll get some pics together to show where I'm at with the trimming tomorroow. I'm mainly starting this to help provide accountability to myself while I work on it. Any advice is, of course, greatly appreciated! Trev TK-23518
  2. I've already got Al's autograph in my TK bucket, so I'm OK on that front. I was planning on painting before I trimmed, so that should help minimize the chances of any accidents.
  3. Before I start hacking up my bucket, is there a downside to painting the inside of the helmet? That is, will the color start to bleed through the ABS at any particular point? I'd prefer to just get a can of spray paint, and go that route, personally, then add / adjust any padding / electronics later.
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