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About lucnak

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    Ottawa, ON

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Capital City Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Thanks for the quick reply. My issue is that every build thread I've gone through either the helmet was already assembled or it just gets posted fully assembled. The construction of the SC helmet is different from the link you shared - I had already come across it. The back and the cap are separate with SC, so I'm not sure if I should just E6000 the ridge. Seems like it might not be the most solid way of doing it. I will try e-mailing to see if I can get some instructions!
  2. Hi guys, I am working on an SC kit with my wife and we are not sure how to proceed with the helmet. There were instructions included for everything else in the kit. It's a four piece kit. Can someone recommend a good thread to follow? I'm not sure how the cap is secured to the back. Is the visor to be attached to the mask or is the bolt the only thing that secures them together? How is the chin strap attached? Thanks and sorry for all the noob questions!
  3. SC kit has been ordered. Now to order gloves and blaster and make some boots! Wife should be able to sew the rest up. Andrew we'll chat on the CCG forums!
  4. Definitely bookmarked!
  5. I'm also considering SC for my wife! Hopefully it goes well for you. I'm still researching for now.
  6. Hi guys, I amd doing some research to do a TB for my wife. I have a boot tutorial bookamrked as well as Pandatrooper's build thread. Do you have any recommended threads to read? I'm particularly looking for a good thread on sizing down a kit as my wife is about 5'2" or so. Thanks!
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