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501st Pathfinder
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Wynterhawk last won the day on June 26 2016

Wynterhawk had the most liked content!


25 Excellent

About Wynterhawk

Profile Information

  • Trooping Award Badge
    50+ TB
  • Gender
  • Location
    Clinton, NJ
  • Interests
    ROTJ, ESB, souping up my speeder, making friends with Ewoks, sewing crafts for my Garrison.

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Northeast Remnant Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Definitely watching this thread, but am coming from the east coat. I have to think long and hard
  2. Thanks for that. I'm actually reading through your build right now
  3. Hi all. At 5'4 - (chest 34, waist 30) it seems that the first question that always comes to mind is 'how much trimming do I need to do to make this fit?' I know there are a few Shoretrooper kits out there, but any recommendations as to what would be more appropriate for the smaller trooper? I heard Backstage Props might do the trick, but I wanted some more input. Thanks! V
  4. Cool! It's an interesting look.
  5. Looking good. You're on your way
  6. Thanks so much for your support, Bro.
  7. I found that it can be removed with small pliers
  8. It's also what took the longest. I was finished with the plastic parts months ago
  9. Great! Thank you for the feedback. Another excuse to redo the codpiece
  10. Hey hey, everyone. The build mission is finally completed. *throws confetti* I was hoping that I could get a few critical eyes to have a look at my photos before I submit for approval. I do see that my vest is sticking up in the back (I'll need to just pull it down) and that I need to pull the balaclava up over my chin. Thank you Armour: SC Flack Vest: DIY Flight Suit: Red Cap DIY Gloves: Wampa Wear Boots: DIY (Pandatrooper's tutorial) Cumberbund and Pouches: DIY Weapon: Pending - DLT-19 from Hyperfirm and Holdout Blaster (way to get a weapon that's nearly at tall as I am )
  11. I know some who use foam, but carve out an area for the mic set up.
  12. *raises hand for the 5'4s* SC was recommended to me for someone with a smaller build.
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