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  1. A quick summary of the last couple of days: 1. I painted the helmet with Polyester Harz and let it dry. When its dry I used a filler to rounden the edges and make it solid. I will finish my current task and will move on to make it wearable. If you know a way to lift the faceplate and use a liner in just one piece, let me know!
  2. Now I glued the missing pieces together. It's not perfect, but it looks like a scout trooper helmet. Next Step: Use Polyester Harz (I don't know the english word) to make it hard.
  3. I have to, because my head is quiet big and it propably will not fit into the helmet from the bottom. Both parts are seperated, however I will tape them together as long as I am glueing, so the parts where the faceplate is connected to the rest of the helmet is lined up correctly.
  4. Hey Scout Troopers, today I would like to show you my build of the scout trooper helmet made out of paper. First I printed and cut out the pieces. I started glueing some of them together. I will update this thread on a (hopefully) daily base. Spatenkrieger
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