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TB 11954

PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by TB 11954

  1. Sorry for the late reply, haven't been on in a while. I did fix the green foam in my pouches and replaced it, because I too noticed that and didn't like it. I have since been approved, and just got my picture up on the 501st site yesterday. Thank you all for the kind words on my kit
  2. Excellent, thank you all for the kind words!
  3. I just finished my kit and I'm seeing if it's ok to be approved. Thank you for any feedback. For the empire.
  4. So I've been doing some research and apparently the cod "should" be separate from cummerbund. I think I'll fix this, as that will then fix my "camel toe" problem. Actually Mickey it was a post you were commenting on; and you said, "The codpiece on the original scouts actually attached to the vest, under the bund. Mine is velcroed to my undersuit." And I think I would like to velcro it to the undersuit, as I think it would be the simplest, and would probably work the best. I don't think it would be possible to attach it to the vest without remaking a bunch of stuff. So is it alright to attach it via velcro to the undersuit, and then just put the cummerbund on top of it? I don't know if rules have changed since then or not.
  5. Ok like promised I took pictures of everything I've been working on. I put it all on and man I'm liking this. I think I'm coming close though. Lets make a checklist... - Make the boots (including holster attachment) - add the suede details on coveralls. - get gloves - put the grey detail on the chest - Paint the blaster - put together the helmet - add all the decals - Make a sniper rifle (optional) And I think that's it.
  6. Well I only did one coat as I was just testing to see how it would hold up against the spray paint. Perhaps I should try 4 coats to see if that will help. Did you only use acrylic paint, nothing else with it?
  7. Well I painted one of my combat boots with this spray paint, and the other with some acrylic paint. Turns out, that spray paint is glossy. So I have to get something else, I'll probably go with acrylic paint because it's cheaper. But then I went for a small jog to test how well both paints would hold up. And they both weared away on the bottom in the exact same spots and in the exact same way. But the sides on both held up perfectly. So any suggestions to keep the soles on the bottom from doing that? Or does it not really matter? I'm trying to search for info on google and can't seem to find any actual solutions...
  8. Excellent. Thank you very much!
  9. So I picked up some boots today, I saw them and instantly saw the shape of the sole was real close to what I needed. It is black though, BUT I figured I could just paint them. So I also grabbed this spray paint as well. So what do you think about the shape of the sole? Is that a good color paint for the sole? I did a test paint with some other spray paint on an old pair of black combat boots the other day. It seems to work fairly well for the most part, so that's why I decided to get the spray paint in the first place. Also are there any templates for the indentations that need to be cut into it? And do I just use an exacto knife to cut it? Sorry for all the questions, just want to get all my information for it, before I do something.
  10. Thank you. And yeah, I just took a couple of pics. Here you can see the Tank on top of the other one. That's as far as it will go down, so I hope that is alright.
  11. I love the E6000 glue! It worked like a charm, thanks. I got my drill too so I was also was able to complete the belt, minus the thermal detonator which I'm working on currently. I should have pics soon of everything I have been working on. I'd say I'm coming close. But a couple questions. 1) How am I suppose to attach the thermal detonator to the belt? Like some sort of clip, or any specific type of clip? 2) How do I attach the tank to the back plate? Now first let me say that with the kit I bought my back plate already came with a tank on it, and a separate one as well. So could I just glue the tank onto the already attached tank?
  12. I know I haven't made an update in a while, but I have been working on my kit. I also just got my riveter today. But I came across a small roadblock I can't find an answer to, so I figured asking would be my best bet. How do I connect my T-bits to my bicep?
  13. Well I was going to repaint it. This is the Kenner toys Scout Blaster from the mid 1980's.
  15. Very good, thanks for clearing that up. I'll add the pouches on tomorrow, and probably will post pics. I was also poking around the forums and saw a few things that I'm not confused about =P Am I suppose to use rivets for the belt? Or is that also preference? I mean I'm going to have to get a riveter anyway for the boots (and possibly helmet IDK) And I also saw something that rivets are used for the knees... Don't know if that's also a preference/for lancer, or if it's mandatory, and I don't even know where they would go...
  16. That's also what I was thinking, but I didn't know if it would work. Thank you for reassuring me though. It's weird though, when I put the cummerbund on it doesn't really bother me as much as it does without it. Weird. And speaking of cummerbunds, I've seen pictures of the pouches with a flap that's attached to the cummerbund, is this how it's put on, or that just a preference thing?
  17. Excellent thank you. I was thinking that might be a possibility for me to do... But what about the tightness, it's tight going right up into my groin; are the Red Kap suits just made like that?
  18. Here is a full body pic of my coveralls.
  19. So my Red Kap coveralls came finally! And well um, they're a little... tight. Is this normal? Are they suppose to be this tight? And it's also choking me (not to the point that I can't breath, but just not comfotable) if I button it up all the way... Also how do I attach the pouches to my cummerbund?
  20. That is good news. Well I will leave it how it is for now, I think I made it big enough that it will always stay covered. And upon time to take pictures of the finished costume, if it's still an issue I'll gladly remake it, as I know more about making them now than I did when I started.
  21. I was going to redo the cod piece anyway so that's good. I like this much better. Why does it matter if there's a seam at the bottom of the cummerbund? The whole thing is going to be covered by a belt anyway. And here is my detonator. It's not trimmed yet.
  22. Ok so I got most of my cummerbund finished, just got to put velcro and the pouches on.
  23. So while I'm getting things in order, and starting my cummerbund, I figured I'd get my flight suit now. How do these look? FLIGHT SUIT These were probably the best looking ones I could find anywhere that was around that price.
  24. Ok so I bought some fabric to start my cummerbund.
  25. I am going to say that it's fictional. Though I don't know much about the Star Wars scopes and if they were based on real life scopes or if ILM made them from scratch; I do know that 90% of the scope from the back to the front, looks the exact same as the scopes of a DLT-20A and a A280 blaster. Only difference is it has a large "flashlighty" looking front, rather than a narrow tip. Hope that was at least a little bit of help.
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