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PFD Recruit
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  • 501st Garrison
    Swiss Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Thanks a lot, now onto the quest for the right lid
  2. Thanks, but I can't wear standard contacts for more than a few minutes before I get either a massive headache (due to cornea irregularities) and my eyes react badly to the hard ones I would need. Ok, thanks, then I need to get one that opens up, or build it. Stormtrooper buckets are too small for glasses though (tried that on various ones, none of them working).
  3. Great work and sewing skills. Thanks for the measurements!
  4. I just completed my TIE Pilot and am looking for another set of something I can wear with glasses underneath (Contacts unfortunatly don't work for me and I'm basically blind without glasses). Does anyone have experience with glasses under a Scout Helmet? Do they fit? I'm not too worried about fogging, as there are solutions to that.
  5. Thanks for the Info, that will help a lot.
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