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501st Legion (RET)
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About BuckeyeTK

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    Columbus, Ohio

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    Ohio Garrison
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  1. Quick update - my costume has been approved so now I'm officially a TB & a TK! I get back to finishing up this build thread soon, we have a big Con going on in Cincinnati this weekend and I have been super busy finishing the costume up and getting costumes packed and organized for the weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks Haribon - much appreciated!
  3. Chest / back / shoulders I'll start with the strapping for my shoulder assembly. I looked at a lot of different examples of this assembly but the one on Dauitsch's Lancer request really stuck with me, so that is what mine is based on. This version is made using 1.5" lightweight cotton strapping & the side straps are the same heavyweight strapping I used for my belt boxes For my tank I have attempted to recreate the version seen on the hero scout that shares a scene with Princess Leia. 4 bars on the tank. You can also see in these pics that I have installed the .5" elastic strapping to the tank (which I believe is going to eventually become a Lancer requirement... maybe ) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Okay, going in somewhat reverse order (if anybody is looking closely at the photos) here is my belt assembly. First off I cut my 1.5" canvas straps for my belt boxes and installed snaps for attaching to the belt, then I made and installed snap plates for the front anchor points on the plastic portion of the belt. I also made a slightly different type of snap plate that gets sewn to the nylon for the rear belt box anchors. Here are a few pictures of it all laid out prior to assembly. I have the belt completely assembled at this point all except for riveting it in place. I still need to triple check and make sure it is the correct size before I take that last step! (Finished pictures go here)
  5. Here are some pics of my TD, don't have much of the assembly process but it based off of the build that Pandatrooper did using neodymium magnets to secure and center it in the belt. (I will come back and do an edit a bit later to go into a little more detail on a few things when I have more time) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. The riding patch sure was an adventure. I started by creating my own pattern. I did this by pinning some muslin onto the legs of my suit. Next I sketched out the shape I wanted, unpinned the fabric and trimmed out the pattern. Then I pinned the pattern back on to the flight suit to check and make adjustments After posting up some of these pics for feedback I decided I needed to modify the shape of the front slightly Once I was happy with my pattern, I laid it out on the suede, held my breath, said a prayer... and started cutting lol! After the suede was all cut, I carefully pinned it in place then sweet talked my mom into sewing it on to the suit for me - thanks Mom! (Pic of finished patch goes here, if I remember to take the photo when I get home tonight) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks for the feedback MJ, I built the boots quite a while back so I don't recall exactly why I glued those up the way I did. If I recall I think they may have slid down slightly while drying. I will have to come back and see if I can adjust this down the road. I'm afraid it is going to ruin the vinyl underneath and I don't have time to redo the boots at this point. I have to keep pushing ahead at this point because I need to wrap this up and submit my photos this weekend. Our garrison has a big event the following weekend and I want to be able to wear this for one of the two days of the event. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Here's my helmet build. Fist step was to dry fit & tape the entire thing together... and then put it on because... well because It's a Biker Scout helmet! LOL Next up I sketched out a bigger & better widened lens outline & also sketched the outline for my ear holes Then I cut & sanded the lens area & ear holes Next, I masked off the helmet and sprayed the complete interior with black plastic-dip. This is something I did in my TK bucket and really liked. For some reason the black interior allows me to feel more relaxed when I'm closed in that little space, I always felt claustrophobic in my TK before I blacked it out. ...besides, I just think it looks more menacing! One of my biggest challenges was getting the accurate welding mask liner to fit into my SC helmet.... after lots of trials and tribulations I finally figured out that if I drilled some handy little grooves into the liner band that I could install it using the visor bolts & It would have a little adjustability in it as well. I also drilled out one river on each of the "tabs" that attach to the top of the band. In my pic you can see I have rotated them back towards the rear of the helmet to add stability to the band. Once I get time I will add some industrial Velcro behind those to anchor them firmly into place. More masking for the black snout outline... I think I redid this masking job 3 times! There were a few areas that did not come out quite perfect where I had a little bleed through the tape edges but I was able to get those cleaned up Next up I painted the snout, and my elevator bolts using Testors model master gray primer. (Right now my visor is bolted with elevator bolts. I do have the screen accurate 3m bolts on hand but I'm trying to decide if I want to use them as is, or cut the heads off and glue them on to my elevator bolt heads to allow for a more sturdy visor assembly) then I assembled it all and put my decals on.... and here is the finished product! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Okay... it has been a LONG time since I have posted an update. Have been extremely busy at work & similarly I have been spending about 80% of my weekend time working on the Scout build. I'm happy to say I have this project nearly done and will have a lot of pics I will be posting as I find spare time here and there to do so! So to start, here are some pics showing my holster mod & finished boot assembly. I am doing a modified version of what Pandatrooper did in his build thread, using rare earth magnets to secure the blaster while it is holstered. I used four 1/2" x 1/8" neodymium magnets stacked in two columns. I heated up a piece of scrap plastic and bent it to make a little housing to hold my magnets in place on the underside of the holster Once the magnets were set in place I added a generous dose of E-6000 to the area to secure them in place. My Polymer Armory blaster came with an aluminum handle, so in order for the blaster to stick to the magnets, I had to fabricate a replacement handle out of steel. I used 3/4" by 1/8" thick steel and ground it down to the appropriate width to fit my blaster handle. Then I painstakingly bent it in a vise to match the shape of the original, then drilled and countersunk the screw holes. Last but not least, I sewed and riveted in a 2" wide elastic strap with Velcro to help support the boot with the weight of the blaster in it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I did notice the hole was drilled through instead of making you paint the white circle. Wasn't sure if that was approvable for Lancer or not. As far as the "button" mine is on the opposite side of the slot from the reference pictures I have seen. Didn't know if that was going to be an issue or not. Figured I'd find out BEFORE I glue it in place Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I hadn't even considered the possibility of breakage! Thanks Chopper Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I have a few questions regarding the tank topper & I haven't had much lunch finding what I'm looking for. Hopefully somebody can steer me in the right direction. First question is when painting the topper, is it flat, satin, or gloss black? Second question is specifically about the topper that came with my SC kit. I was looking at reference pics and I noticed a difference between my topper and the others. As you can see in the above picture, the knob circled in yellow is to the left and the open space is to the right. In the picture below (the SC topper) the knob is to the right and the open space is to the left. Is this topper acceptable for Lancer standards? If not, can anyone point me to where I can get a replacment? Thanks again for the help! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. ...so more like this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I have been working on this pattern most of the day. Just wondering if I have the size and shape correct. It's not laying quite flat because the pattern is light weight muslin... the heavier weight suede shouldn't have this issue. -thanks for looking & hopefully for leaving me some feedback. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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