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About CoffeeBlack762

  • Birthday 12/11/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Orlando, FL

501st Information

  • Name
    Robert Brangan
  1. What's the best way to attach the chin cup? Glue the bands to the inside of the helmet?
  2. I have my Altmann on order. I expect good things...
  3. Awesome score! It's kinda creepy without the armor on it haha
  4. just ordered a B grade hyperfirm! thanks
  5. This is awesome! Thanks
  6. True, but there's also no noise in space so maybe the laws of physics work different in a galaxy far, far away =)
  7. It just seems like an odd shaped device to be used as an explosive to be lobbed at an enemy. I don't ever recall seeing it being used in video games or even EU for TD or TK for that matter. I say oxygen tank because as a kid that's always what I thought it was for the TKs.
  8. I noticed he hasn't been active in last few months and am trying to get my hands on a good blaster. Was wondering if anybody knew a way to get in touch outside of the forum? Alternatively what would be the next best thing?
  9. A thermal detonator in my understanding has always been a spherical grenade like the one carried by Boussh in ROTJ. What the heck is the oxygen tank looking things on the backs of TK and TD's that everyone refers to as a thermal detonator? If it is in fact an explosive weapon how exactly is it supposed to work?
  10. Where did you order your cummerbund?
  11. Once I complete my set I'd like to do something like that and was wondering if any of you guys knew of a quality posable manny I can pick up.
  12. klaatu barada nikto

  13. klaatu barada nikto

  14. I have to say getting into this was intimidating at first but this community has been extremely helpful! It's nice to know I have this forum as a resource when I start building.
  15. Thanks, guys. I'll scratch KS off the list. My only concern with SC helmet is the size. I was thinking about an Altmann and pm'd Spike but have yet to hear back. From what I'm reading that helmet seems damn near perfect for me. Hopefully if I do get one the color will match with my SC armor, otherwise I guess I can try my hand at weathering to make it all blend together.
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