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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by RickyBoyBlue

  1. Congrats. It wasn't that difficult to review your costume and approve you. Your self-awareness of how your costume fairs is a testament to your attitude towards costuming excellence. Your openness to feedback is highly commendable. Enjoy trooping, and on to becoming a Lancer! Ricky
  2. Sorry bro, late to the party. But showering you with massive congrats. Great work!!!
  3. Thanks friend. I normally use makestickers.com. Fairly priced, awesome quality, quick turnaround even for their free shipping.
  4. Extra update... Just got my new character logo done I believe this is the 15th done by Matamoros Graphic Design for me. Love it! Stickers came out slick too. Patches probably in the next couple months. In case y'all are interested, here are my other character logos done by JJM... Cheers!!!
  5. Sorry, could not quite remember. It could be the smallest available, the 2mm x 1mm round ones.
  6. FIRST TROOP!!! Coming out of the Covid-19 nightmare, the biggest Lunar New Year Parade outside of Asia happened again in San Francisco 02.19.22. For the very first time, the Star Wars groups were invited to participate -- the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, Mando Mercs, the Saber Guild. Our garrison also hosted some visiting troopers from SoCal Garrison, Central California Garrison, and a dude from Oregon. It was a 3mile trek in the streets of San Francisco, so the Scout Trooper has the best walking shoes IMO. This was my first time strutting the Scout Trooper JFO with all the latest mods and whatnot. Love this character!!!! And the best way to end the troop in SF is to say hi to the mothership!
  7. COMPLETED GLOVE (v2) Here you go folks! The best method I can think of (until a better one comes along) on how to install the glove greeblies if you want to be able to switch your right glove from ROTJ to JFO and vice versa - with no visible straps whatsoever.
  8. UPDATED GLOVES MAD MOD #1.5 Hello friends, I'm back. Again. While I know that the knuckle greeblie on my right glove works -- in that it was as stealthily installed as best as I could, the knowledge that there's a visible (if one closely looks) thin strip of velcro bugs me to no end. I tried the bar pin on the thread part of the knuckle ribs. Seeing that this is the best site to pin the greeblie, I then proceeded to totally commit to this method. I proceeded to CA-glue the bar pins to the greeblies (which I then reinforced with a good gob of E6K.
  9. BICEP ARMOR Hello friends, I'm back. As mentioned, I immediately made the move to correct the bicep misstep post approval of the costume. Lo and behold, my new SC pieces arrived last night! Obviously, these new and updated SC biceps are significantly different than the original ones I have. In this regard, I had to trim it a bit, otherwise it'll just be too humongous and ill-proportioned to my small frame. All that is left is attaching it to the flightsuit sans elastic straps. Full costume photo when I get the chance...
  10. Congrats @BikerScout007. Awesome leadership that should continue. Behind you 100%!!!!!
  11. Hey Keith @Ammonites. Thanks for the congrats. Even if it kinda sounded half-hearted ("as long as it's approved, I say welcome to.. the ranks") 😂 I hope you read the thread and my convo with the DL and Justin and the rest of this build thread. I've been very upfront with my build journey and been very transparent with my application submission vis-a-vis some identified inconsistencies between my build and the CRL and/or the references. As stated, some improvements are underway or were already done: I could've 3dprinted a pair, but I re-ordered a pair of vacuuformed biceps so it's consistent with the rest of the armor parts. The baton itself received 2 re-colors after you pointed out that a part shouldn't have been a silver. And checking the reference, it shouldn't be black either, that's why I re-colored it similar to the reference. Post-submission, I re-painted the back of my control box seeing in the picture that its gray paint is seen in some angles. Any other "minor details in reference images not specifically stated in the CRL" that I may have missed, Keith? Please do tell. Being scrutinized is part of doing a build thread in the forums (could also be a reason why not a lot of folks do them). But please be specific with the scrutiny, though. That would help me a lot in improving my JFO so it may be deemed acceptable by the detachment and worthy of it being part of the Fallen Order ranks. Your shared wisdom will surely help future JFO builders as well. Otherwise, I appreciated being approved by my garrison despite my build missteps. The GGG most certainly did not half-heartedly approve my JFO. This is probably because I was upfront about them. And they know that when I say corrections are underway, they know I'm doing it. My Garrison knows me well and my reputation as someone who strives for ultra-accuracy and higher costuming excellence. Our DL @BikerScout007 have seen me in my other Legion costumes and how I try to elevate them to the highest level I can. Cheers!
  12. APPROVAL And on 2/2/22, my Scout Trooper JFO was approved. In the same wavelength with our DL, we know the work never ends. I'm already thinking of next-step improvements on this character. I will post them here for documentation purposes as I look forward to the eventual Lancer requirements, in pursuit of higher excellence. Sincerely hoping to see the ranks of JFOs grow. At this point, my super thanks to all you folks who chimed in on my build. The Pathfinders leadership and community is truly awesome that's why it remains to be on of my Legion favorites. Y'all rock!!!
  13. SUBMISSION As intimated to you folks, I have submitted my application for approval over the weekend, with some identified corrections post submission. I was in full disclosure with my approver and in conversation that I have corrected or in the process of correcting the following: re-color some parts of the baton replace biceps (arriving week of 02/07) This was the very first time I ever worn the Scout Trooper JFO and I'm quite content with the results. Really really love the total aesthetics of this character!
  14. GLOVE GLOVE MAD MOD #2 Since I opted for removable glove greeblies, I need a method to connect the tubing to each other. First, I CA-glued the tubes inside the wrist greeblie. Now, to connect them to the knuckle greeblie, I thought of screws and magnets. First, I looked for the smallest flat screws I can find at home. They're a bit long, so I snipped the end a bit. These were inserted in the tubes. Then I found my lost magnets, the smallest round ones that I have. These were the ones that would fit the edges of the baton pipes!!! I dropped them inside the greeb holes, gave it a good amount of CA glue drops so it adheres to the greeblie. Once the adhesives cured, inserted the screws in. These puppies ain't going nowhere! With removable glove greeblies, I can easily switch between ROTJ and JFO. This is the best method I can think of if I want to make my gloves usable for both variants. I'll always be on the look out for anybody who provides a better solution. I'm sure there's a better one out there. Once budgets are more fluid, I know I'd go the route of ordering a new pair and would proceed to just permanently CA-gluing the greeblies on to the surface of the gloves. Until then...
  15. GLOVE Alright! And we arrive at what became the most perplexing part of the build. To recap, I made my glove greeblies removable, with the two pieces secured by a thin strip of velcro, locked on the other side. The knuckle part looks clean as the strip blends well with the spaced knuckle ribs. What always bothered me was the wrist part. I just knew that the velcro strip is there because I can clearly see it. While I know in my heart that this is acceptable enough, and the configuration that I used for my approval submission, it continues to bug me. GLOVE MAD MOD #1 While I think the pin back solution is one way of attaching (and re-attaching) the greeblies on the glove, I don't think it will efficiently work as for sure your hand will scrape against the butterfly clutch. In my last visit to the crafting aisle of my local Walmart, I spotted a plausible solution -- Bar pins! I'm still ambivalent about punching holes in the leather. But I thought in a given year, how many times would I be switching between JFO and ROTJ? Heck, I'm not even sure how many times I can wear the Scout Trooper in one trooping year! Otherwise, I tried it on the edge of the wrist to see how it looks on and off. It's acceptable to me, and at ROTJ mode, you'd never ever see the holes unless you really really look for them. Again, my concern is more of the long-term damage to the leather than the "messed-up aesthetics" of the gloves. Thinking this could work, I proceeded to commit to the method. CA-glued the pin to the back of the greeblie (I will reinforce it with a gob of E6K later). Pinned it to the glove. I expected the greeblie to not be flushed on the glove, and true enough, it's got a bit of a lift when seen on the side, up close. Again this is something that if somebody else doesn't know that it's there, it does not exist. I can live with this.
  16. CUMMERBUND I don't have the confidence yet to take on a project as something as seemingly simple as a cummerbund. Obviously I can't use my ROTJ one (which I think needs to get washed. LOL). Got the 20-line JFO kind from my seamstress. Easy-peasy!
  17. BELT I've got a whole ton of faux leather left. What I did was create two sleeves that slide / wrap around into the existing strapping of my ROTJ belt. This is very straightforward but does the job effectively as the CRL intended it to be.
  18. Glad to be of some help to your project as I look forward to you finishing it. I'm sure it's going to be awesome! I'm always willing to share some knowledge as I'm always open to new learnings.
  19. Thank you @BikerScout007 @MrPoopie for hearing me out and sincerely appreciate you seeing it from my perspective as I totally and truly respect the process and the thought that went through in the development of this character's CRL. Do please know that I'm a proponent and firm believer of screen-accuracy as well, as I hope my "body of work" demonstrates. We are all in the 501st Legion after all and one of the things the binds us together is the appreciation for maintaining costume excellence and character integrity. Cheers!
  20. Hey Justin. Thank you for the first build and for sharing the 3d files. A whole lot of future JFO Scouts will benefit from your generous spirit. Thanks as well for the reminder on the biceps. In truth, I'm kinda bummed I missed this minor detail and I only read about this in full over the weekend. Full disclosure, I have already submitted my photos for approvals which had my original ROTJ biceps on (with webbing). Other than messing up my ROTJ biceps, I (reluctantly) ordered a new pair from SC to replace my ROTJ biceps as soon as they arrive. On the matter of the gloves, I've been racking my brains on how to cleanly put on and off the greeblies on the glove so that the gloves remains interchangeable between JFO and ROTJ. The aim is to not mess up these expensive and well-made (Wampa Wear) gloves. Magnets installed inside the glove, will not work efficiently as the glove leather are a bit thick, especially the knuckles area. The best method aside from CA-gluing the greeblie directly on the gloves (which renders them useless for ROTJ), is probably using backing pins. Two challenges -- 1) While it will "cleanly" puncture the leather, will this eventually mess up the leather? 2) We need to find a way to cover the butterfly clutch (the pin locks) inside the glove, otherwise ouch on our hands when we wear the gloves. Honestly what I did with my initial submission was to plainly use a thin strap of velcro that closes inside my hand and inside my wrist. It's an inconspicuous way of attaching the greebs on the gloves (similar to a method of attaching TK handplates using elastic straps, for basic approval level). IMHO, this method does the job without compromising the integrity and the total aesthetics of the character. Know that I'm respectfully hiding behind the CRL's silence on restrictions on having "visible methods of attachment" for the glove greeblies, thus, my decision to go this route. May I also respectfully suggest that as the detachment develops the Lancer requirements for the JFO Scout, its good leadership consider reviewing and easing off the requirements on this two items, for basic approval [ATTN: @BikerScout007]: Allow the use of ROTJ biceps for basic approval, require strapless biceps for Lancer. Allow some "visible" method of strapping the glove greeblies (ie thin strip of black velcro, black thin elastic, etc), do not allow any visible method of greeblie attachment on the gloves (ie CA-gluing it directly, using the pin-back method, etc). I really love the aesthetics of the JFO Scout, and the applicability of so many of the ROTJ parts. If the detachment can allow my humble suggestion, I can see a whole bunch of approved ROTJ Scouts easily and cost-efficiently converting to JFO Scout, growing the ranks of this variant. Thank you.
  21. TANK TOPPER This was a pretty straightforward mod for me. Red electrical tape and black pinstriping decal. First, I stuck a black pinstripe sticker on to the red vertical stripe on the ROTJ-style topper. Then, I applied two layers of red electrical tape on each side to create the horizontals... Which obviously means if I need to switch back to ROTJ, I'll just have to remove these tapes. Here's the completed tank topper from back view...
  22. Thanks for the advise, DL! Somehow I missed this important update on the ROTJ TD.
  23. THERMAL DETONATOR The cool quirk about this character is how some of the ROTJ TB parts are "modified" for the video game. So. The TD's flipped horizontally, but the greeblie needs to be of the same orientation. If you can freely flip this greeblie, you can easily switch the TD between ROTJ and JFO [NOTE: UPDATE BELOW]. The SC kit that I own, used CA glue in some areas only. I was lucky enough to pry the greebly off cleanly from the surface. Very strong neodymium magnets again to accomplish the task. Mission accomplished! ---------------------------------- UPDATE: As per the DL's advise below, "the JFO way would work for the ROTJ as well." Which means I now actually have the option to CA-glue the horizontal greeblie permanently to the TD (and lessen the risk of it getting lost).
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