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kman last won the day on June 26 2023

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About kman

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    Tarzana, CA

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  1. What you've shown so far looks pretty good to me. It's normal to have to trim the visor up a bit, to get closer to that curve. I believe the Kropserkel tutorial mentions this as well, and notes that even once you get it so it closes up nicely while closed, you'll likely need to trim it even more so you can actually swivel it up properly, without hitting the top of the helmet dome. So this is all normal stuff. You can do it.
  2. Aww, that's a shame. The detailing on the snout does look nice, aside from using stormtrooper mesh LOL I'm considering getting one for my shelf display, though, for sure! (Assuming that $132 price holds) Do we know when they'll go on sale in the US?
  3. Thanks! I considered doing the ear holes, and maybe I will, but they're fully exposed (read: accessible/not hidden) no matter what, so I don't think it'll hurt anything to leave those for later. And having it solid might give a wee bit of extra structural strength while I'm trying to force wonky plastic into shape LOL I'll paint the snout properly, of course, but otherwise I'll probably use the stickers that it came with, at least to start. This is just going to be a spare / display, anyway... I'll get something better when doing the full armor, once I get there.
  4. Oh, speaking of proceeding: At Mickey's recommendation, I do have the accurate 3M set for the visor hinge point: I also have a nice resin printed snout greeblie. Once I'm at that point. So I won't need to use that stock part from the kit, either.
  5. @Chopper @BikerScout007 Any feedback I can get, before I proceed?
  6. It's clearly Kropserkel season here in the forum, so I figured maybe it was time to dust off my Kropserkel box and finally finish this build, started an embarrassing number of years ago and forgotten during the pandemic. I had already done the basic sanding and trimming, and was at the point of actual assembly. I figure I'll leave decals and the visor for last, so nothing gets messed up during assembly. My understanding is first the back cowl gets attached to the top dome, then separately the faceplate gets attached to the visor/hood, and finally the two combined pieces are brought together at the hinge, right? I'm hoping to get some feedback on positioning before I actually glue anything together. And if I need to do any sanding and shaping that can't be done once glued, now is probably the time to mention that? LOL At the moment, things are just temporarily taped and clamped into place, so adjustments are easy. I'm thinking E6000 will be my tool of choice once I'm ready to lock these pieces together? (My preferred adhesive, from many TK builds) Full kit, out of the box: Back cowl to top dome pics: Back: Front: Inside: Top: Right: Left: Faceplate to Visor Hood: Font: Inside: Right: Left: The faceplate seems a tad low in the visor, but I think the top can be pushed down to glue to the top of the faceplate and close that off, it's just awkward at this stage. Thoughts?
  7. A Dremel is definitely worth having in this hobby, so I won't try to talk you out of it! That said, Dremel is also really easy to too fast and remove too much material. It requires very careful attention. Hand sanding is definitely the safer choice... and frankly hand sanding is what you end up doing at the end, for the real smooth finish, anyway. Dremel sanding is on the rougher side, generally. The usual process for plastic armor is Dremel to get it close, and then sandpaper and hand sanding for the later stages. Small files and emery boards are great, too, for detail.
  8. Following for the comments. Once of these days I'm going to have to wrestle with my Kropserkel helmet, too. I can only sand the edges for so long before I need to move onto the next steps LOL
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