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About Dekard

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    Flower Mound, TX

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    Star Garrison
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  1. I plan on using it mostly for cons, so wireless is sometimes bad for those setups as you'll get cross chatter with other wireless setups.
  2. Thanks!! Looks like Husky has stopped making the 35 inch - now just the 50 or the 24.
  3. Coming from a TK, I hid the wires under my neckseal and then the wires just hung out in my armor. I tried to search but anyone got a setup for the Scout? Speaker and iComm I assume can hang out on the front armor via velcro but not sure how to route the wires.
  4. I went ahead and got the full commission..
  5. Still got a few left? I'd like a couple as well.
  6. I know many of us with TK's used the full size husky tote - does the half size tote work for a Scout? https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-25-Gal-Connect-Rolling-Tool-Box-249208/314213514?fbclid=IwAR2isSEaxvx0kH32kG30zIVMm3eZ-l7C3BHb0cM9AocjB2Z4QYWL_6VAh1s
  7. Jut an FYI, the Large Belt Box from Celebration is broken. It need not be two separate pieces. (afaik).
  8. Wow. I was worried how warped Jim's backplate was but looks legit.
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