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501st Legion (RET)
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About Torm

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    Vancouver BC.

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  1. If it's a Altmanns I believe it's just injected ABS and not paint . I paint cars for a living . I would lightly wet sand with 2000 grit and just polish the helm
  2. I have both a Altmanns and LW and I must say you will be pleased with the Altmanns
  3. I have both Altmanns and a LW both top notch
  4. I agree I think a SC would suit you just fine
  5. You look fantastic
  6. I'm going to be painting my Lonewolf biker helm and I will need new decals , any suggestions on where I might find some ? Thanks
  7. I do love my Altmanns and troop with that helm
  8. http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/SteveHaigh/media/Mobile%20Uploads/received_1699128720348635_zpshrcqmjd4.jpeg.html?sort=3&o=3. Check it out . Both awesome helmets. Second album sorry lol .
  9. Thanks everyone. After thinking it over I will keep the LW as well as my Altmanns. It's Christmas anyways so I'll make it a gift to myself
  10. Really don't know if I should. I'm very happy with my Altmanns. I can buy the LW for 600$ Canadian. I'm not hurting for cash . Should I buy it ? I guess I should be asking myself this question lol . I'm TB 14983 . Let me know what you guys think
  11. Looks very good .
  12. I paint cars for Boyd autobody and glass in Canada. I would think the only thing you can do is paint the helm
  13. There is a great selection of trusted biker helms that can be found under the helmet section on this forum. I wear a Altmanns tho many other trusted brands are available. I would stay away from ebay and etsy when shopping for gear .
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