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PFD Recruit
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    Plainfield, IL
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    Star Wars, Home Brewing, Roler Coasters

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  1. Yeah I'm on there (FB), he and Pedro are going into super pull mode, so not answering PM's till the evening I'll message Ericia or Walter tonight for final details then. Was just coming here to kinda introduce myself and keep the load off the WTF guys, they seem a bit busy.
  2. Nice, thanks much guys. Going to place the Kids TB order in June when we get back from Disney. Gotta get the approval from SWMBO. The WTF kit comes with the snout, t-bits and tank grieble right? What about the hose for the Detonator? I'm sure this is all in the sales thread, but for some reason I'm restricted still?
  3. Vader is on my list, but the TB will be cheaper and get me started
  4. And my noobness does not afford me the rights yet to view the submission thread
  5. Ok, I may persure the WTF set still, I just saw a few builds on kids around 4'10" or so and the chest piece looked tight/small and my son is long and lanky And thanks for re-affirming the SC set, that's the one I was looking at. You get the helmet there too? My head is a bit large.
  6. I was looking to start my son's build first, this way I can learn on his build, which is not as critical. Only problem I'm running into is the Rottie (WTF) build seems to be right on the cusp of being too small for my son, plus I want him to be able to enjoy it for a bit, before he grows out of it. So I am somewhat starting over on my research here and am shifting gears to research an adult armor and trim to fit my son so he has some room to grow. He is already 4'11" and due for a growth spurt any week now. That being said any input from our shorter members on how easily I can modify a kit to fit? On a side note, I haven't started researching my build yet, will I have any luck finding/modding a kit to fit me at 6'4"? Thanks
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