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501st Legion (RES)
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About TheBeardPrevails

  • Birthday 09/01/1987

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501st Information

  • Name
    Jim Brock
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Northern Darkness
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Okay cool, my gap is smaller than the movie image. I just worry too much. I'm sure everyone else does tho too. I tried posting an image but photo bucket has been terrible for me, too many adds popping up. Thanks guys I appreciate everything
  2. There is a slight gap on the sides of the tank when I fit it to the back armor. I don't want to cut too much to try and make it flush with no gap. I saw a few threads on this and now I can't find them. Does anyone have a link to them? I'll try and post a picture.
  3. My boots being 2-toned is way I knew I'd be mak8ng another pair.... thoes were on sale for $20 so I couldn't pass. Plus I bought enough vinyl to make another pair, next time I'll cut them evenly and not so deep. Thanks for the advice!
  4. So I'm just about done, love need to glue the top and dogbone to the boots and attach the holster. I feel good about it except the boot tred I made.... one side I pretty ugly (used a dremel) and the other side is better but not too even (used an exacto) I don't plan to use these boots to get Lancer, I'll make new boots in a year or two. Any thoughts on how they're looking so far?
  5. Yeah that's what my thinking was on it too, thanks. The velcro I bought is very weak a easy to pull apart so I have to go return it anyways now, thank god all stores I need are close haha.
  6. Okay, I know in the CRL it says that the boot is secured up the back by 1" velcro. My question is has anyone used a different width velcro? I have 3/4" and was gonna use it cause I didn't see the harm in it cause they are hidden anyways. The strip really looks more like 7/8" but it's labeled 3/4".
  7. I have not but heard that the acetone and scraps works well if doing it properly. Look forward to seeing your progress, I'll have my KS helmet in June.
  8. Yes again, no Evolution Props. I ordered from them off ebay back in 2009.... I got ALOT of Fett gear. The jumpsuit looked very good BUT the zipper broke instantly and the vest was off, way too wide and sharp in the shoulders even after my measurements were given.
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