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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Inklegg

  1. Done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I have an HFx hyperfirm as well. Doing the velcro loop as a precaution (because I don't know what to expect) or preemptive prep for a different blaster in the future (don't want to take it apart and redo it).
  3. Awesome! Yeah, I have a piece of ABS and a velcro loop made for the inside. Just wanted to see if some sort of adhesive should be used as well. Thanks for the quick reply!
  4. Should the holster be attached to the boot with e6000 as well as the 4 silver rivets? Or do you guys just attach it with the rivets alone? Thanks in advance
  5. Awesome, thanks so much!
  6. Thanks for the clarifications and edits. Rivets have been painted silver (way easier than drilling them out).
  7. The CRL for Lancer on this detatchment says white rivet for the belt. So this scenario isn't with the 501st CRL. The 501st CRL does not specify a color.
  8. Yeah, I was also misled by this. The CRL here (Pathfinders) for Lancer says "single white rivet". Guess I will be drilling that out tomorrow.
  9. I have 1.5" currently on the cest/back under arm straps. I think it looks a little thin, would prefer the 1.75". PM coming your way, thanks
  10. I have seen these in person, very nice!
  11. Trying to determine what size straps I need for my side under arms. Pathfinder's Lancer CRL says "around 1.75 inches". 501st level 2 says "2 inches". Can someone please clarify what size I need? "Around" could be anything close to 1.75". I am able to find the cream/off white in 1.5" but not 1.75" or 2". Also, the bridge straps say white cotton. If I use off white pouches, side, and belt straps, do the bridge straps match or stay white? Thanks
  12. Cool, thanks for the responses! (I didnt even think about sending a FB message o_O)
  13. Nice! I will be saving that.
  14. Yeah, the outside is non porous, but not sure what it would look like once I made a hole for the magnet. I don't know what kind of material Hyperfirm is....
  15. I have an HFx pistol and want to bore out a small area to add a magnet. Does anyone know what type of adhesive would work best with the rubber/foam used to make the pistol? I need a good bond to keep the magnet in place but don't want to use something that will dissolve or damage the pistol. Thanks in advance!
  16. Awesome, thanks!
  17. Isn't there still a metal to ABS connection (snap to tab)? Or did you rivet the snap tab to the plastic?
  18. Looks awesome. Im just starting my build. Can someone shed some light on why the snaps are glued to a small square of plastic and then glued in place? Why wouldnt the snaps be glued directly to the part (is it to protect it)?
  19. Awesome tutorial!! I will be completing this ASAP
  20. Guess thats why I cant see it either, lol.
  21. Dude, you sound just like me! Firefighter/EMT as well, thought this route was an awesome way to combine my love for Star Wars and have another way to stay active in my community.
  22. Never heard of using dish soap, I will have to give it a try. We used to just spit in our snorkle masks, lol.
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