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About Jafogator

  • Birthday 04/28/1973

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  • Location
    McDonough, Ga
  • Interests
    Gators, Star Wars, Scuba, Disney and humor!

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  1. Looking at Hobby Lobby for boot material and see a white vinyl but didn't know if thickness would be concern and a slight pattern (faux leather pattern). Anyone else look at material here?
  2. Make sense....thanks!
  3. Does the collar matter? I can't tell from the CRL.
  4. Thanks for the connection to your buddy on Facebook - very quick to reply and very reasonable!
  5. Boots look great. How is the support on these boots around the ankle? I have tendonitis in my ankle and was wondering if I need to take in consideration my small brace. Obviously it's just a guess, but feedback would be great.
  6. My sewing abilities are well zero...anyone have feedback on Esty or should I look else where? https://www.etsy.com/listing/250960479/star-wars-biker-scout-trooper-cummerbund?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=biker%20scout&ref=sr_gallery_48
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