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About alexjmurphy

  • Birthday 01/10/1975

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  1. Thanks for your comment. The problem is that I bought those boots, and I know for sure that it is quite difficult to modify them without any further damage. Anyway, I am just working on it
  2. That's it!! I have got lots of wise comments here, thanks a lot. Durirng these days I am trying to correct the issues you have described here. But I am really worried about the boots, especially the velcro boots, because that would mean throw those boots away and starting from scratch again. What do you think? Should I try to correct the minor issues and then contact my GML? Or do you think that the velcro of the boots are a major drawback for getting my ID? regards
  3. Hi there, at last! After tons of hours of hard working, here you have my biker scout almost complete. I still have minor issues to fix, such as filling the pouches, sewing some velcro straps here and there (in order to fix the smallest parts to the jumpsuit), and the upper joint of the chest armour is missing. Any comments/feedback is much appreciated! Kind regards
  4. Amazing tutorial!! Thanks for the info
  5. I arrived here a few days ago, and these people are amazing! welcome
  6. Congratulations!! I wish I would follow your steps one day
  7. Amen! What would I do without your help?
  8. Thanks for the info. Very useful!
  9. That's it! I have just bought the undersuit at ebay, and a friend of mine is going to make me the cummerbund and the vest... three in a row. Soon I am opening a new thread about my costume. I am going to need your help for sure.
  10. That was I wanted to hear!! Thank you very much!!
  11. Hi there, I would like to buy during this week the scout undersuit, in order to receive it ASAP and to start with the fitting and mods. I have been looking at Amazon for the Red Kap undersuit, but the shipping costs to Spain are too much high (around $30). I have looked at several places for an alternative. I have these two on ebay, cheaper than the Red Kap one: http://www.ebay.es/i...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT http://www.ebay.es/i...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT So I need a little help of you, dear veterans, to meet 501st requirements with one of these. What do you think? Cheers.
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