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About Anakinmonkey

  • Birthday 08/17/2001

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    Chicago (Bolingbrook)

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  1. Not sure if this topic fits better in the armor category or the soft parts category. So apologies if this is in the wrong spot Im between a few vendors for the last peice of my build. The boots. I wear a size 12.5 US Mens for reference. https://www.imperialboots.com/product/bikerscout-boot/ seems to offer a very high quality boot design that I absolutely love. However the purchasing options confuse me, as it restricts me to having to get the boots, gloves and headpiece, or the entire set. When I only need the boots. Not sure if there is another way to go about this. And can i mount on my holster from studio creations? this option doesn't come with a holster. https://www.chefscreations.co.uk/portfolio-item/scout-boots/ offers a nice one aswell, but they look buliker and lower quality than the first. they also come with a boot holster, is that different from the one I already own that's part of my kit (studio creations) These are just the two vendors Ive found for boots, if there are any others, perhaps an etsy vendor or another trusted boot maker I would appreciate it. Thanks! -J
  2. Thanks all for the responses. I've ordered from KriptonTop. Im sure Ill be back here or on another sub forem to see how to mod my soft parts to fit my body. Thanks! -J
  3. @BikerScout007 any images /pricing on those 2 vendors? Sites I can visit to view their products or get their specs?
  4. https://cucblackprops.com/categoria-producto/biker-scout/ Hey all, im looking around for my soft parts of my Biker scout build. All except the flight suit which I already own from another vendor. Looking for the cummerbund ( pouches, cod and all), and the flak vest. I came across this site which offers all the soft parts. To custom tailored measurements which is ideal. But unsure of the validity. Has anyone purchased soft parts from this site? If so, how does the custom sizing work? They say Ill be sent a sizing chart, however Im not sure if thats before or after payment. Not something I want to do the wrong way. Thanks!
  5. I was looking at the studio creations version of the Bike scout kit. More specifically the helmet kit. I am 100% sure that I want to get the kit and build it. But I had a concern. Does the visor area come precut or do i have to cut and sand that myself? If so what is the recommended tool? I was figuring a dremel or a rotary tool os some sort for the cuts and sanding the rest. Thanks!
  6. hey scouts. ive been looking around for a nice bucket for my build (biker scout) and stumbled across this one by AVP on etsy. Im a bit hesitant about etsy. And i was originally going to go with the kit from studio creations, but if any of you guys have suggestions to this one it is much appreciated. https://www.etsy.com/listing/601288329/scout-trooper-helmet-star-wars?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=star%20wars%20props&ref=sr_gallery-1-5
  7. I recently got a new resin casting of a scout pistol from hole in the ground productions. On the guide it informs me to use krylon fusion which i will do. I plan to use a grey primer and a black top coat. but gloss or matte? Ive looked up images of the pistol and seen both gloss and matte but cant seem to find the right awnser. Should i do black matte, black gloss? or a black matte with clear gloss? Any awnsers will be helpful.
  8. Ive seen the DLT19X , Pulse Cannon, E11s, and the Dc15x As of now i dont belive theres a standard issue sniper rifle. Check here for the 501st page recommendations. The only sniper on there is the DLT-19X Targeting rifle. https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TB_Scout_trooper
  9. This seems to be a great blaster for a cheep price. Made of resin so you'd have to sand and paint yourself. Is it allowed ? http://www.holeinthegroundpro.com/starwars.html Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I've looked at biker scout Armor from a lot of sites and I'm not sure which one to invest in. The three main ones I'm looking at are Farway creations Studio Creations kropserkel Which one should you all recomned for Armor and the bucket?
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