Hi guys, Just thought I'd introduce myself and try and get to my 5 post mark to get into the trade forum at the same time.
my name is Evin, and i am currently working on an Anovos TK and will be submitting photos for approval here soon. Problem now is that i've got the armor building itch. and c'mon, biker scouts are awesome. I thought that getting the helmet would be a good place to start with this build, and i saw one on ebay for 86$ that seems kinda low compared to the other buckets i've got.
link - http://www.ebay.com/itm/STAR-WARS-1-1-BIKER-SCOUT-LIFE-SIZE-MOVIE-HELMET-COSTUME-ARMOR-PROP-/262353931765?hash=item3d15834df5:g:3FIAAOSwstxVYkl3
lemme know what you think.
Peace out, Biker Scout