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About redbird96

  • Birthday 12/31/1972

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501st Information

  • Name
    Eric Kirk
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Midsouth Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. I can't seem to find any details on actually building the belt (maybe I'm not looking in the right places). How is the plastic attached to the nylon belt? Is it E6000 all around and rivets at the end or are rivets used along the length of the belt? Thanks in advance.
  2. So this would not pass for basic approval? Fortunately, I still have about 5 feet of hose left.
  3. I haven't seen many place dictating the length of the hose to use for the TD. The one I do remember seeing, though I don't remember where, said that the hose was 300 cm (or 1 foot). This is the length I used but it just LOOKS short to me. Is what I have here acceptable?
  4. Do these look right?
  5. Added question here: for basic approval, is there a difference between the 4 and 6 rank bars?
  6. Message Sent


    1. star-trooper



      $165 is local or international shipping?


  7. Those are what I have on hand. Glad I can use them instead of going out and buying more aluminum ones. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  8. Is it okay to use white pop rivets on the knee armor or is aluminum required for approval? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  9. I've bought a Kropserkel kit secondhand and am not having a lot of luck finding instructions. Can anyone tell me if the cut line I've made is ok or do I need to cut at the line I penciled in? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks guys!
  11. Hi all, Not sure where, in the forum to post this so I'll just leave it here. Does anyone know of a wireless mic that's available comparable to the Memorex MKA382? Thanks in advance. EK
  12. Still finishing up my TK but I'm following this thread with great interest. Thanks for all the pics.
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