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501st Pathfinder
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BlitzJaeger last won the day on August 15 2016

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90 Excellent

About BlitzJaeger

  • Birthday 08/16/1984


  • Member Title
    Biker Scout

Profile Information

  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Inducting new Scouts! Leading ART Viper. Rehabilitating troops that aim for trees.

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Midsouth Garrison
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  1. If its not your first rodeo that gives you a better chance for a good looking kit, Im sure with the right amount of work it can look good. =)
  2. I have snaps on my shoulder bells and will gladly show you pics if you like. The rest I suggest velcro...I tried snaps on the chest armor, knees and other armor - not great. It doesnt flex well in those areas and especially on the chest armor is a bit hard to put on. I would suggest velcro from experience trying both (50+ troops)
  3. ^This. No point repeating all of it, but 762 is right on, especially that mud flap, which looks more like a butt cape right now lol, it should be as wide as the your booty. Right where your butt cheeks start to get round. Not as wide as your whole body, but that is a pretty easy adjustment. All parts on a scout that close are right over left, so your bund and vest need to do that especially for Lancer. Fix that Scout Toe (you dont want a crease in your crotch area) You can try putting a piece of foam, plastic or other suitable shape inside the fabric to eliminate the crease. Also, the easiest fix I show my Scouts here is dont pull the crotch strap (the one between your legs) so tight, loosen it up a bit so its not pulling so hard. Keep trudging forward mate!
  4. Well Lancer is mosty about fitment to you, and less about mods to the suit (although there are some). For starters, fix your knees mate! Just turn them correctly and make sure they line up on both sides. You could also stand to lose a half inch or inch off those shoulder pads (starting from the bottom) then round the corners using Pandas tutorial. Or I can show you how if you message me on facebook. Either way, your suit is in fairly good order over all. Give lancer a shot, it may not be as hard as you think and you wont know what they ask you to fix till you try! Might as well know eh? Another thing on glasses: Try putting padding on the forehead, this pushes your head towards the back and makes room for your glasses.
  5. Personal preference here but I just dont like helmets split down thte middle. You have to make them even and then paint to match, with yours it may be ok set off from your armor with the black suit but you wont know till you finish and again as mentioned, youve got to get the seam bondoed and perfect! Also, yes, on some kits the ABS might seem different from part to part, although most makers try to match them the same, Ive seen it happen in kits before. A lot of that comes down to...you get what you pay for...
  6. You can also use those magnets to hold your visor up when you open it! (Thats what I did) Keep up the great work!
  7. Rubbing alcohol will take a lot of scuffs off and should not hurt your kit (assuming it is not painted) Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works well too but be aware this actually is scratching your armor with microscopic crystaline claws and will often leave a dull finish behind, so if you want to remain shiny, be gentle. Mineral Spirits can also work, again, less is more. Lastly as mentioned, Novus will clean it up pretty well, if you want that shiny, straight off the death star look...
  8. I wouldn't be a Lancer if it were not for Mickey and you Michael and I have also become friends with Cheyenne and Daniel. I am hopeful for a good Pathfinder year and seeing what comes our way. All of you did an outstanding job and I am sad to see you go. Cheers mates.
  9. You can buy these on theclip.com forr like 8 dollars. Lancer approved That is what I have.
  10. Thanks fellow mates! Very excited to be in!
  11. If it helps you any, my entire group did 12 inches and 9 inches for all the straps. You lose about 1/2 inch if you use snaps on the inside, but otherwise these dimensions worked on all of us, ranging from 5' - 6' and like Dart said, adding velcro on your knees and biceps especially will help hold them in place regardless of fit.
  12. ...is this real life? Wow. This is really amazing! Let me say thank you to the Scouts here on the site, for your advice and help. Particularly Peter (Retrofire) who I bothered more than once. Also to my Garrison friends and future ART Viper Scouts: Jason (Proxis), Johnathan (JSwann), Stephanie (Atheris/LegitCupcake), Justin (Justin) and Mike (OzarkScout) for their constant help and support on my road to this moment! A huge thank you to the Scout Command, particularly Michael (Chex) who didnt go easy on me just because we are friends... And my biggest thanks to Mickey (BikerScout007) who knows how bad I wanted this since the day I became a Scout and has tolerated my barrage of detailed and obnoxious questions at all times of the day and night with nothing but patience and shared enthusiasm [seriously though.] I am very honored, humbled and super pumped to have finally made it! I can say I never thought I would be doing this as an adult, living life as an on screen bad ass that I saw as a 5 year old boy, now 27 years ago. Nothing impressed upon me like the Star Wars Biker Scout, so this truly is a lifetime dream I didnt know I had, coming true! Thank you everyone!
  13. If you are alone just keep moaning about how you need a Lance mate. They always work in pairs!
  14. Which is basically what I did, and now we will have 7 instead of 1 =) Alas, one is from another Garrison so he cant join our ART officially, but he will be trooping with us!
  15. Update: I remade the shoulder bridge joins as (sorta) requested. Snaps were cut out and replaced with Velcro, and the overlap plastic was cut from both ends. New connection totally hidden under bridge cover material.
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