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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Chiro

  1. That actually makes a lot of sense
  2. You can also use a metal curtain rod or something similar. Less likely to break than wood
  3. I'd like to start this by stating that I am an amateur, but hey, we all start somewhere. After I had repainted my armour and gotten rid of the 'chocolate chip' weathering I had done originally, this is how I weathered everything: I took my forearm for an example And I took a scraper and a combo of rough and fine sandpaper (you may not want to use rough, that's fine) I used rough first, then finished with fine. Remember, less is more. Then I gave the whole surface of the armour a light sand with a fine grit sand paper After that, I took Black Acrylic paint, and a VERY wet paintbrush and brushed over it, before quickly wiping it off with a towel, I left the paint sit longer on parts I wanted to be dirtier, mainly the coverstrips and the raised section of the forearm. I feel I need to add here: DON'T BE AFRAID to completely coat the armour in the paint, there were points where I just dry brushed it onto parts to give that section a really dirty look. If it was too much I was able to wipe it off quickly, and if I still wasn't happy I found this product worked wonders: It can completely clean the armour if you want to start at the base colour again, just add water Here is the finished product: Here is a comparison of weathered and unweathered forearms I didn't use any type of brown washes as I don't think they are needed, and they don't appear to be present in any of the reference photos I have seen. Some people have used them to give the armour a more 'dynamic look', in the end, its down to personal opinion.
  4. I inquired last week and they were back to making them
  5. Sister Margaret's Gasket Emporium is making the ribbed shirts as well (look them up on fb) It's a lot more accurate, and appear to be much better made (no offense to Jim's Tailor), however they are a lot more pricey than Jim's.
  6. Imgur, its a lot better!
  7. How did you get the nice rough edges on the scratches on the chest plate?
  8. I look forward to seeing your progress bro!
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