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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Kyrbriik

  1. Thanks, I noticed that as well. Speaking of which...I got the pattern! I'm giving myself time to trace it out and prototype it to my measurements, then I'll feel comfortable offering it for commissioning. Give me, maybe, a week or two to finish this since I have a TON of other sewing to finish as well.
  2. I saw a few threads that had decent reference photos and templates. So that's a start. Of course, all this chatter is moot at this moment, since I'm still waiting on that frelling pattern to show. Still, good things to study up on until then. =\
  3. So I'm looking at the suit CRLs over on the 501st, and they could really benefit from better pictures of how to attach the faux suede/suede. Does anyone have better images I could refer to in order to properly attach the suede pieces? All I see over on the CRL is black on black, and I can't make anything out. ETA: Note to self. Stop reading forums when your eyes are tired. I was able to find some good resources for the suede parts, although any further info is always greatly appreciated. Thanks, guys!
  4. Thanks for the info. I wondered what the Lancer designation meant. I'll give the CRL another look, but adding suede to a flight suit doesn't seem too complicated.
  5. *facepalm*. Sorry, got my CRLs crossed again. But it doesn't look too complicated, so I wouldn't turn down Lancers.
  6. Since I'll be doing flight suits, I don't see why these would be a problem unless they're radically different. I'll have to look them up. ETA: Oh, duh! I didn't realize Lancers were the same as Shadow Scouts; I've never heard the term before. Yes, I'll be doing Lancer flight suits as well. Thanks! This wasn't as hard as I was worried it would be, so I hope the cummerbunds end up the same way.
  7. Remember in my intro I told you guys I wanted to make soft parts? Well, I finally decided to get started. I was told y'all don't need neck seals, so that takes care of that; however, I was also told you need the following things: ~Flight Suits ~Flak Vests ~Cummerbunds ~Pouches Now, as of my posting this, the first on the list is still in transit. (I have a pattern coming, but I swear they send these by pack mule sometimes, USPS feels so slow!) The second and third require a touch more research. But I can show you my first step on the fourth! First off, thanks to Chef and to Witness for the Pouch templates. I tried printing and enlarging them, but gave up when I realized I was wasting printer ink and time. So I stood and looked at the patterns. I realized the pouches are basically two squares, five rectangles, and a half-trapezoid (and a partridge in a pear tree...), so I took the dimensions on Chef's, added a bit around the edges for a seam allowance, and cut out muslin to make a mock-up. The result? Well, take a look: It looks droopy because it's just a single layer of muslin. Measuring it, I found it's a touch over 6" wide (like 6 and a hair inches), by a touch over 7 inches tall (7 and a hair again), by just over 1 3/4" deep. The nice thing is I can easily unpick this to make template pieces...or just use my rotary cutter and cutting mat to cut more shapes to make 'em based on the dimensions I wrote down. I can easily make adjustments to piece sizes, and scaling shouldn't be an issue. Now I can't wait to start making these for you all!
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