Remember in my intro I told you guys I wanted to make soft parts? Well, I finally decided to get started. I was told y'all don't need neck seals, so that takes care of that; however, I was also told you need the following things:
~Flight Suits
~Flak Vests
Now, as of my posting this, the first on the list is still in transit. (I have a pattern coming, but I swear they send these by pack mule sometimes, USPS feels so slow!) The second and third require a touch more research. But I can show you my first step on the fourth!
First off, thanks to Chef and to Witness for the Pouch templates. I tried printing and enlarging them, but gave up when I realized I was wasting printer ink and time. So I stood and looked at the patterns. I realized the pouches are basically two squares, five rectangles, and a half-trapezoid (and a partridge in a pear tree...), so I took the dimensions on Chef's, added a bit around the edges for a seam allowance, and cut out muslin to make a mock-up.
The result? Well, take a look:
It looks droopy because it's just a single layer of muslin. Measuring it, I found it's a touch over 6" wide (like 6 and a hair inches), by a touch over 7 inches tall (7 and a hair again), by just over 1 3/4" deep. The nice thing is I can easily unpick this to make template pieces...or just use my rotary cutter and cutting mat to cut more shapes to make 'em based on the dimensions I wrote down. I can easily make adjustments to piece sizes, and scaling shouldn't be an issue.
Now I can't wait to start making these for you all!