Hello Scouts,
I am new here and I have a few questions for my first armor.
I want to join the 501st with a scout armor.
I live in Luxembourg (between France and Germany, a very small country )
Well I have some problems to get an armor,
1) I want a Armor where I don't have to build it up by my self, I am not good in building things by my self , so I let people do it which understand what they do.
2) With my 1,93 m (6,33 feet / 76 inch) I am not very small and that would make some problems when I order something on the Internet.
That's why I searched a armory not too far from me and what a luck there is one +/- 2 hours with my car.
Well there comes a question does anyone have experience with the scout armor from mfx in Germany ? (pm and I send you a link )
Or is there someone with good advise what I can do / should do ?
Tank you