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501st Legion (RET)
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About Graasgring

  • Birthday 01/28/1991

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501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Luxembourg outpost
  1. Finally my armour
  2. Nice thread from Pandatrooper I continue making my self more "intelligent" by reading more threads I write here how I continue ^^
  3. Thx for the fast answers
  4. Is the Raceka Aker MR 1505 as good as the MR 1506 ? I wanted to take one MR 1506 but on the Amazon.de they have only the MR 1505 is there a difference ? http://www.amazon.de/Raceka-Stimmeverst%C3%A4rker-Schwarz-MR1505-Pr%C3%A4sentationen/dp/B007OSRTNW/ref=sr_1_1?s=ce-de&ie=UTF8&qid=1455020554&sr=1-1&keywords=aker+1506
  5. Hello Scouts, I am new here and I have a few questions for my first armor. I want to join the 501st with a scout armor. I live in Luxembourg (between France and Germany, a very small country ) Well I have some problems to get an armor, 1) I want a Armor where I don't have to build it up by my self, I am not good in building things by my self , so I let people do it which understand what they do. 2) With my 1,93 m (6,33 feet / 76 inch) I am not very small and that would make some problems when I order something on the Internet. That's why I searched a armory not too far from me and what a luck there is one +/- 2 hours with my car. Well there comes a question does anyone have experience with the scout armor from mfx in Germany ? (pm and I send you a link ) Or is there someone with good advise what I can do / should do ? Tank you
  6. I have my first question Can I have as a scout an E11 too ? Or can I only have the Scout Blaster ( Holdoutblaster) and sniper Rifle ? (I like E 11 ) Edit - I just found the weapon thread
  7. Hello 501st Pathfinders / Bikerscouts, I am new here and I want to introduce myself a litte bit :-) I come from Luxembourg (Europe) and I want to join the new 501st Outpost in my Country. My twin Brother and I decided to be Scouts ^^ Our love to the SW universe started when we were litte childs (8 years old) and our father looked with us ANH ESB and ROTJ. WE LOVE IT :-) And know, with 25 years, we wanted to make our dream becoming true. "Be a member of the Empire" And know we decided to collect every day more Informations to make our dream becoming true. The only Problem we do have, we aren't very good in building things . (sorry for some Errors but english isn't my best language )
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