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501st Pathfinder
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About slescoe

  • Birthday 03/16/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Grand Junction, Colorado

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Mountain Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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355 profile views
  1. Your costume looked amazing congratulations on your hard work. It was definitely an easy pass for this GML
  2. Thank you so much
  3. It is official that I am now an approved Pathfinder Biker Scout as of 1-15-21 TB-31685 reporting in
  4. Thanks so much my man!!
  5. Just submitted my Biker Scout for Approval Sunday Afternoon. Looking forward to seeing the outcome and officially becoming a member of the Pathfinders with the 501st Legion..😁😁
  6. Thanks so much for the suggestions. I am looking forward to getting my submission photos done on Sunday. It will be so good to be offical Pathfinder Biker Scout.
  7. So I got my Biker Scout in on Monday I was able to do a test fit of it on Tuesday night Armor is by Walt's Trooper Factory Boots and soft parts made by Tye O'dell Gloves are Wampa Flight Suit is Wampa I will be doing submission photos this weekend. I know things need to be moved around like the shoulder bells. Everything will look amazing for my submission photos. Biker Scout Test Fit https://imgur.com/gallery/H01K5EB
  8. Yes I am having Walt do the full commission on the Scout. I trust his work and when you are talking about screen accurate his Scouts where in the Mandalorian so their is that. This came from Walt himself "No. My builder and sewer. Tye ODell. He runs circles around me at building"
  9. Hello my name is Sean from Colorado and I am going to be getting back into a Biker Scout. I use to have one when I lived in South Dakota but I never got it fully approved for 501st. I am part of the 501st as well with an approved Imperial Officer and a ROTJ Darth Vader. I sold the Scout to get my Darth Vader kit. Now i want to get back into my first love of the Biker Scout. I am going to be getting my armor from WTF and then he said he is going to send it out to Tye O'Dell for soft parts The picture that I included is me in my old Biker Scout armor and me in my Darth Vader and Imperial Officer
  10. I was looking at helmets and I wanted to find out if this was a good one I know of KS and Altman but for the price you can not beat the full helmet build has anybody had any experience with this vendor and he said it be 501st approval but wanted to find out for sure https://www.etsy.com/listing/464632893/helmet-biker-scout?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_a-accessories-hats_and_caps-helmets&utm_custom1=72f78a35-8f5d-44d1-aa6b-2911b41a03f8&gclid=Cj0KEQiA_eXEBRDP8fnIlJDXxsIBEiQAAGfyoYqjUOP4gogo2bYzTWDzLxx37UJAXjYY7dRZ7b7YrJAaAl3G8P8HAQ
  11. I was looking that the Reference page at the 501ST website and I saw the vest and saw that it needs for level 2 certification dose that mean I don't need it for Level 1 certification?
  12. I was looking into getting a helmet and I know I need to steer clear of the SC since of my bigger head I was told the Altmanns was my best bet but I was also seeing postings about other helmets I Was wanting to know where I can look for them online.
  13. I wanted to know where I should get started with my build I don't enough funds to pay it all in full so I want to know where is the best place to start I thinking on getting my bucket last but what should I start out in getting a I build setup In stages
  14. I have been looking into getting my own armor as well but I think people are right with building your own you build a connection with your armor when you build it yourself and when something goes wrong with it you can fix it
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