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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by vdrm

  1. Thanks for the tips, now i'll go to the trade forum, and maybe i find a good helmet for me ^^
  2. Hi there!!! I've decided to get muy Biker Scout suit and the first thing that I want to have it's the most important part, the helmet, I've been searching for some helmets, i found the Rubies helmet, but after I saw this... Some people told me that this has happened because it was made with poor materials, so I'm here to listen to you, because of your great experience. PD: I heard that LoneWolf manufacturer the best Biker Scout helmets, it'll be great to have one of his helmets
  3. Biker Scouts come first in the return of the Jedi, maybe we can see the First Order Biker Scouts in the eighth or ninth film. They can't forget Biker Scouts!!!
  4. Thanks for the welcome!!! I'm so excited about this, i'm looking forward to wear the biker scout armor and the helmet. :D
  5. Hi there!!!! My name is Víctor and i'm from Spain i've always loved the SW universe since i was a little kid. I'm new in costuming and maybe a stormtrooper costume will be easier to find, but since i saw the biker scouts or scout troopers I decided that if one day i could wear a Star Wars costume it'll be the biker scout. Searching on internet i've seen that this is the best page to earn a Biker Scout helmet, armor, etc. :bikerscout: :bikerscout: I would appreciate a little help from you because you've more experience than me. I'm really sorry for my bad english
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