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501st Legion Member
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About Deaadshot

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    Kirkland, WA

501st Information

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  • 501st Garrison
    Garrison Titan
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. That though has crossed my mind! Which do you find yourself trooping with the most?
  2. Thanks! The only problem is I'm not sure what my preference is. Generally I would go with the E22. With armor on, I'm not sure I would want to shoulder a blaster rifle and the E11 would allow me to strike one-handed poses. Hm....
  3. Hi all. I'm wrapping up a build on a ST SL and am starting to think about a blaster to bring along to troops. 3dpropsnl seems to be the best in class and they're selling both kits. I've seen Squad Leader's with both blasters so as far as I can tell there isn't a "roght version." Anyone have any advice one way or another? I was thinking the E-11B would be great for striking a pose giving an order (pointing haha) but the E-22 is a badass blaster rifle. I'm torn!
  4. I had a really hard time getting the flat TD sheet to form into the circle. I found a few posts where people used a pvc pipe to help create the right shape. That seemed to do the trick!
  5. Here's my Anovos before and after weathering. I used brown acrylic paint and Windex then smudged some graphite around the edges. A quick matte clear enamel to seal it and it matches my armor very well! The Anovos paint is slightly darker than the Sahara Beige but with weathering you won't notice. This was much easier than repainting the entire helmet.
  6. Good point. Sounds like your vote is to keep it!
  7. I'm weathering my Shoretrooper Squad Leader and decided to scratch some battle damage into the chest. It's a bit more overstated than I initially wanted but I kind of like it! Before I move on to the rest of the weathering and clear coat I'm looking for some opinions from the group. Keep it or paint over it to make it more subtle? I doubt I could completely remove the damage but a quick coat of paint and I could reduce the effect. My gear is weathered a bit more heavily than I've seen. I posted a pic of the full set to give an idea of the overall look.
  8. What's the deal with the "pringle can?" I'm having a hard time with the thermal detonator and getting the end caps glued on. Anyone have any recommendations? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
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