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  1. So...apparently I do have a timeline as I'd want to get it done before Halloween this year so I can lead my little Wookie while she goes trick or treating. I know a lot of it is determined by budget but can a suit be made in 2-3 months or so? Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  2. Join in on the newbieness. Everyone has been extremely helpful in my own thread about answering questions so dont be surprised to see a bunch of notifications with new posts.
  3. I dont necessarily have a timeline for my build as it is just something that I've wanted. So it's more of a bucket list item type thing. Just having a hard time swallowing the pricing which shouldnt be a surprise. Just trying to figure out a way to fund it/justify it to the wife. I have a hard enough time doing that with my other hobbies which include legos and guns. Might have to sell gun stuff to pay for trooper stuff. LOL. Im thinking about getting in with that Altmann helmet buy, a DVH blaster, SC armor, and havent decided on the soft stuff. Was thinking of Marcel for the cummerbund, pouches, and boots. Wampa for the gloves and flightsuit...too many things to figure out not to mention justifying the costs. LOL
  4. So while doing my due diligence and research, I am wondering for those considered "too short to be a stormtrooper", were there any modifications that people did to their armor or soft items such as shortening certain measurements and the like? I know its all body dependent since people are built differently but curious if there were certain things that shorter troopers do vs those that fit the "mold".
  5. Hey Peter...just got done reading your epic build thread. Makes me extremely jealous and don't think I'll have the knowledge or know how to do the things that you did. While reading I thought to myself, "I wonder if this guy is an engineer in life..." Sure enough, I was right. LOL. Epic build man. You and Panda make me envious.
  6. Dude...I have Slave 1, the Millennium Falcon, and Poe's X-Wing so far. Saving the coin for some AT-AT's and some A Wings so I can make my own Hotham battle. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  7. It's all exciting and scary since I've never done this before. I'm a collector of other things and I can see myself hunting the trade forum for pieces of gear like I do my other hobbies for that "deal". And it's always refreshing seeing the brotherhood and comradery that I've seen no matter which trooper board I've visited. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  8. Talk secured, SIR! Now...with that being said, how well have others been with purchasing items from the Trade forum? I've read that there are a couple of lids for sale there, and I figure, might as well see what is out there and maybe secure that first which will then give me motivation to finish everything else. Any buyer beware type advice before dropping coin in the trade section?
  9. Luckily for me, the wife just got a new sewing machine this year so I can have her "practice" her skills by making some of the soft stuff like the cummerbund and the pouches. A few of the other things, I have priced out and seen but I might delve into the previous threads to see what else she can work on to "practice" her sewing skills. Might have to spend a bit more at JoAnn's Fabrics here in the next few months!
  10. In your guys' opinion, what's the hardest part of the build? Besides funding that is. Sewing? Molding the armor to fit "you"? And I'm a bit on the husky/sumo size. Not Porkins size but not the tall/skinny Asian type. 5'8 and 225. Short and squat. Would I look weird/awkward? Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  11. Funny that you mention prison. Worked at a few for 8 years and perused the website on graveyards trying to figure out exactly how to get everything. Aaaaaand...submission sent for the Idaho Garrison! Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  12. If you guys had to choose a starting point of a build, where do you recommend starting? Soft stuff, helmet, or other stuff? Or does it all depend on budget? I figure this will be a multi part build with things being purchased as funds allow vs dropping a whole metric ton of credits on everything at once, so....where's the most logical place to start in your opinion?
  13. Long time lurker, first time poster. My inner nerd has come out in a huge way the past year or so and I've always loved the biker scouts over every other stormtrooper. My littlest one loves Wookies and is going as one for Halloween so I figured it'd be nice to start up a set of armor so I can go around with her. After reading a lot around here, I have a few questions like most. I see that many go with SC armor and a matching helmet or one from Kropserkel. I'm 5'8 and have the large Asian dome so I'm curious if a Kropserkel helmet would fit me best as I've read the SC helmets run on the smaller side. Also, my search fu is weak and I was wondering if there is a detachment in or around Idaho that I can pick other scout troopers brains in person. Besides read more, research more, and take my time, any other suggestions from those more knowledgeable and have been there, done that, and bought the armor?
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