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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by JanErik

  1. Thank you for helping out Jan Erik
  2. Awesome idea! This sounds like something I need to do!
  3. Im sorry, but does it have to be topics or can it be questions on topics? Jan Erik
  4. Thank you Griffin-X. I understand. It's amazing how skilled you guys are making the costume and all the charities you do. Im hopeing one day to have a full armor.
  5. Hi Im looking for a Bicker Scout helmet to buy. And have no clue where to look. I have seen some but they dont look good. I have seen kits but have no clue or dont have the tool to make one my self. So please, if you know about any one that have one for sale please let me know. Love the Biker Scout and I really want one. Im not sure how this web site works so please correct me if this is inappropriate. Best regards Jan Erik Strømmen, Norway
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