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501st Pathfinder
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Havrix last won the day on November 5 2017

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About Havrix

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    German Garrison
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  1. So here it is! This is the Lancer Approval Run for TB-78811 Name: Stephan 501st-ID: 78811 Garrison: German Garrison / White Shadows Details Suit: Dickies with real suede patches and mudflap Armor: Chef Helmet: LW Flakvest: DIY Cummerbund: DIY Codpiece: DIY (seperate from cummerbund) Pouches: DIY Gloves: Wampawear Boots: Marcel Blaster: Chef Rifle: Steel replica MG34, T-Tracks FISD, side box welded DIY
  2. So I CAN see it now but I can't WRITE in this section...
  3. TB-78811 reporting for duty!
  4. Really?? Source: Bikerscout Detonator Detail page at the 501st CRL
  5. New straps ob chest armor; Cotton, 38 mm, off white Detonator clips painted black
  6. Dumb question.... HOW and WHERE do I apply for Lancer and what is missing at the custome?
  7. This goes out to all you DLT-19X-owners ... I'd like to attach real scope via weaver rail to my MG34-relica gun. The rail is going to be welded to the the gun. The "side" parts of the rail is the only thing that gives me headaches. Does anybody have the measurements of these parts (red lines)? I'd like to get them laser-cut and attached to the weaver rail...
  8. Thanks for the feedback! Although it seems different these ARE already 40 mm straps. Only nylon instead of cotton. Easy fix. But ... aren't these LANCER specifications?
  9. OK, after A LOT of work it is finally finished! This is our scout for basic approval! ... ROAST US All softparts were sewn by my awesome wife! ... I thank her VERY much!! Details Suit: Dickies with real suede patches and mudflap Armor: Chef Helmet: LW Flakvest: DIY Cummerbund: DIY Codpiece: DIY (seperate from cummerbund) Pouches: DIY Gloves: Wampawear Boots: Marcel (thanks a lot!!!) Blaster: Chef
  10. Next step .... Smaller pouches and the codpiece! Suggestions? Opinions?
  11. May it be that there are stiches on the movie scout pouch flap despite that the CRL says that they are not allowed?
  12. You heard it, Chef! My problems are YOUR fault
  13. So this is a test just for the measurements. Left = me and my unfinished codpiece and a testing pouch made of paper (14cm height / 12 cm width) Right = picture of the scout above Got any ideas?
  14. I have a problem in constructing/attaching my pouches to ... whatever. Where the heck do you guys attach your pouches to? I also have a problem with the size of the pouches. The CRL-picture shows a nearly "square" pouch, the templates a slightly rectangular one. The visible part of the cummerbund is about 17 cm (6,6 inches). Unfortunately if I use 15 cm (5,9) wide pouches they stick out too far on the sides of the cummerbund or to close together in the middle what they are not allowed to (see pre-clearance pics of nearly EVERY scout). The perfect pouches for me seem to have the sizing 12 cm x 17 cm. Are they TOO rectangular? Movie scouts seem to have very long and narrow pouches too. I have now 4 test-pouches made of cotton and paper around and none of them fits perfectly. Attached some pictures.... My WIP (Ignore the collar, the missing ribs on the cummerbund and the unfinished cod piece etc.) Movie screenshot with rectangular pouches. Very WIDE ribs on the cummerbund Maybe you can help me with my problems in sizing and attaching the pouches. Greetings from Germany
  15. So I ordered one of the ProCoPrint-blasters and it arrived this week. No customs-problems, no exorbitant shipping fees... for european people definitely an option, don't you think? Here are some pictures. Any opinions?
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