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501st Legion (RES)
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About RavinRace

  • Birthday 05/26/1997

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  • Location
    Des Moines

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Korriban Squad
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Those photos are from Walt. His progress so far. Really looking forward to seeing the helmet.
  2. The paint I used was just a Krylon Tan I got at walmart.
  3. That looks like the stuff I am using too. Looks good stretched out over the boot.
  4. Received my Wampa gloves yesterday. I was very impressed by the quality of them.
  5. I cut and painted one of my boot soles. What do you guys think?
  6. Got my blaster in the mail today from Hyperfirm, and my cummerbund should be here next week. I ordered it from a fellow legion member(TK-8966).
  7. Is there a certain height they need to be? or scaled down to fit yourself?
  8. For the boots, can I finish the calf part without having the knees? To get the spacing right?
  9. I have replaced the laces with elastic so I don't have to tie them, and it will make them easier to slip on.
  10. He said it would be around a month or two depending how busy he is.
  11. Here's what I have so far on boot number one. How does it look? I have stretched and glued on the toe piece and glued the trim piece around the bottom. To fix the soles I am going to paint them one color and cut them to be more screen accurate.
  12. Hello everyone! After finishing my Commander Cody build, I have decided to make a Biker Scout suit for my next set of armor. For my armor I pre-ordered W.T.F(Walt's Trooper Factory) Biker Scout set for $450 dollars. So, while waiting for my armor I decided to work on the soft parts. I ordered a RedKap suit and am working on the modifications for that at the moment. I got my boots from Walmart and am currently putting the vinyl on them. I ordered my blaster from Hyperfirm last week so that should be arriving in the near future. I plan on ordering my gloves from Wampa and having someone make my cummerbund for me. Any tips along the way would be great!
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