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About TheScouterSays

  • Birthday 10/01/1990

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    Dallas, Texas

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  1. There is a guy on Etsy who goes by PixelsToPlastic who made a few. I'm sure he would be glad to make another one for the right price.
  2. I know it can be done, even with my very limited knowledge of sewing, I'm just not confident I can do it particularly well. And that worries me about my 501st admission, as I don't want to submit something of low-quality. Any advice?
  3. So I've been making do with screws for various parts of my armor, but I'm finding that my best bet is going to be with rivets for attaching the boot holster to the boot. However, I'm still reluctant on spending money on a rivet gun that I'll only use for this and then probably not use it again, so if nothing else, I'll need one that's inexpensive but still useful for riveting on the boots. Any recommendations?
  4. Yeah, if you could PM or just post some pictures of the boots, that would be great. After what Chunk pointed out earlier, I'd like to be sure he gets the details right. Not that I doubt you, I just want to see for myself.
  5. Just wanted to check with you guys if any of you knew if the above-mentioned website is legit/reliable. I know the guy in the trade forum is well-respected, but I wanted to see if there was anyone in the United States who could do it, you know, to cut down on shipping costs a bit.
  6. Thanks for the help guys!
  7. It's so crazy to me, the minute I started looking up the standards of Star Wars costumes for both the 501st and the Rebel Legion, I had to discover an entirely new set of clothing-based vocabulary! So, I know that a cummerbund is usually something you wear with a tuxedo (even though I never wore one when I went to prom back in high school), but how the heck is it supposed to be put on/taken off, especially with the cod flaps installed for the armor?
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