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501st Pathfinder
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About mmarley

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  • 501st Garrison
    Spanish Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. In the movie they take wathering, to me it seems more screen acurate, they should take it all like the sandtrooper, nobody thinks of a sandtroopers without wathering. To give you wathering the best is airbrushes and pigments
  2. https://www.etsy.com...t-kit?ref=hp_rv Hi, surely buy this kit I think it's very accurate and it's well priced
  3. i send PM to see the price thanks friends!!
  4. ok thaks! what do you recomend?
  5. hi friend i can´t access that zone
  6. Hello mate, greetings from Spanish Garrison Im TD/BH 19089 I have almost finished the suit, I need a good helmet what recommend?, I really like those of lonewolf and RS but I do not know if they are still easy to get, they are the ones screen accurate. thanks friends!
  7. Hello RS and LW are still selling helmets? Where can I buy them? thanks!!!
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