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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Geographer

  1. Hey guys, This is a thread I've been looking forward to making for a while now. I finally feel like I have enough parts gathered to start working on my scout! I don't have every part yet, and there really isn't much in the way of build progress, but the bulk of the costume seems to be here so lets get this started! I currently have my SC armor, a black Redkap coverall, WampaWear scout gloves, white duck cloth for the cummberbund, white marine vinyl for the boots, and a ton of extra velcro and elastic in various widths (though I forgot to get sticky Velcro). I also have all the snaps one could ask for! Here are some pictures of what I got so far: Looks like everything is here! Laying everything out makes the task of putting this together seem even more intimidating, but it will be so worth it once it's all put together! Since this picture, I've removed the chest pockets and am going to use them to make the Mandarin collar! It's a small step, but it's the first modification I've done so far! These gloves are incredible. I went with a size bigger than I usually wear and it was the right choice. They really do fit like a glove! I still need wheat-colored work boots, my helmet, and batting for the vest as well as the cummerbund. I'm considering these Kmax2 work boots from Kmart based on a couple of boot threads I've seen on the forum. My helmet is coming from Spike and I'm incredibly excited to get it! A good thing is worth waiting for and this helmet is no exception to that. The soft parts are going to be an interesting challenge. I've only sewn part of a costume by hand. Absolutely not enough of an experience to make the cummerbund, flak vest, and Redkap mods with! Though I did get my hands on a sewing machine and I am going to try and DIY some of these soft parts... will it be an success or an unmitigated disaster? Stay tuned to find out! (Though I'm sure with the help of this forum, anything is possible!) Not much progress on this first post, but I'll be posting more progress whenever I complete/obtain a part. Or, if I'm really stumped, I'll ask some much needed questions here. I look forward to building this with you all!
  2. I've been hearing the opposite about the Altmann around the forums here. I've read reports of people fitting their larger noggins in those with a pair of glasses on to boot. I don't have mine yet, so I can't speak for its size personally, but I chose it because of my big head (23 in). Lots of people here seem to have it and can speak for it's size though. It also comes assembled out of the box (you just need to add a helmet liner or foam). I also hear KS are solid choices for bigger noggins too, but some modification is required as others have been saying. I personally tried on an MLCv3 helmet and it fit my big head alright, though I've also heard that it can take a long time to get. It also looks a little gaunt like Chef said, but it seems well regarded. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  3. I have to chime in because I got my gloves recently. On Wampa's glove sizing chart I should have been an L, but got an XL because I heard they ran tight. Definitely go with a size larger than the chart says you should be. It's snug, but more in a perfectly snug way rather than a tight, restrictive snug. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  4. It turns out I did have access to a sewing machine! I asked my girlfriend if she had one and, lo & behold, a sewing machine was graced onto me. It's a Singer 621b or a 5817c... there are a few numbers on this thing. Not as old or resilient as the 457 but it seems to be sturdy and reliable. She knows how to operate it and she taught me, but neither of us really know how to sew anything. Now that I have this, however, there is opportunity to learn a new skill! I'd be proud to say I custom made pieces of my own scout costume. I'm going to try and sew something simple and learn the basics before my flight suit arrives. I'd love to learn enough to get the Velcro and suede patches stitched on. The vest seems like its going to be a whole other animal. If anyone knows of some patterns for the soft parts that might be knocking around, please let me know!
  5. 77 dollar shipping? I wonder if there is a Singer or Brother of that caliber that I can get for about just that shipping cost in stores. I might hit up Joann's and see if they have a simple sewing machine in one of those brands on sale. And if not, I might just pull the trigger on that ebay posting. That'd be nice to get it immediately too. I've done too much waiting on parts and not enough constructing! Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  6. I think that's what I'm going to do! Looks like I'll be hitting up the WalMart on payday! Do you know where to find patterns for the custom scout parts, Chunk? I have the vest tutorial but that's it. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks for replying Chef!, I'm starting to think getting a sewing machine and practicing making some rough attempts at the soft parts like you said might save heaps in the long run compared to buying everything. I've even been seeing scout flak vests go for over $100. I thought to myself surely at least that could be made for well below that price! That's why I asked if the sewing machine might cut the costs significantly. Based on what you're saying, it seems like that'd be the case. I was wondering if there were a soft part that might just be too hard for a beginner to make? Even if there is, what you said did hit me. Getting the skill to sew and make my own pieces would be priceless for the future. I think I'm going to give the sewing machine some more serious thought.
  8. Hey everyone!, I'm at the stage in building my scout were I have to get all the custom soft parts done (flight suit, vest, cummerbund). I would give a crack at sewing some things together like the vest, but my skills with a sewing machine are non-existent and I don't have easy access to one. I'm beginning to turn to vendors, but finding some for the vest and flight suit are proving a bit difficult. I've found a few, but I'm not sure of their quality or if they're trusted here on the community. What would my bet course of action be with this in mind? Would finding a cheap sewing machine and DIYing the soft parts be more cost effective than turning to vendors? And if vendors are the way to go, what are some trusted names in the BSN community to commission each part from? Thanks!
  9. Cost was absolutely the biggest detractor when it came to the Atlmann, but I was willing to spend the extra amount for the look and quality of it. The scout has always been my favorite trooper and this would be my first costume so I wanted it to look amazing! This may also be the only armor I build for a while so I'm willing to spend a bit more than most probably would. Also the thing is gorgeous and I couldn't resist!
  10. Yeah Mutter, it looks like we were in the same boat. I gave KS a good look, but in the end Altmann's lid seemed like it was much more quality. Spike is also right here on the forums and is involved with the community which is a huge plus I my book. I'm currently waiting on my Altmann to come in!
  11. Hey stasz, thanks again for your input! Based one everything I've seen on the forums and your insight, I decided to pull the trigger on the Altmann and have just ordered one! I don't think the chin cup will be a big deal at all now that I look at it. And hey, I guess it'd make it easier if I wanted my scout to be Lancer approved (that'll be in time, though... baby steps!)
  12. This will conveniently be the post to get me in the trade forum then! I am leaning heavily toward the Altmann, but just want to do a little more research to make sure I make the right choice. I'd like to make as little alterations being that this is my first time building a costume. If you're saying the Altmann is good for approval out of the box, then that is even better. I'll look into KS as well just to see the pros and cons with that option. I'm just happy to hear there are options out there for those with a sizable noggin! Another quick question about the helmets: Does the chin strap stick out of the bottom of the helmet or does the snout and face plate do a good job of covering that usually? Thanks for your input stasz!
  13. Hey all, I've been doing a bit of research on which helmet I should select for 501st approval and this forum has been great for that. I'm nearly ready to pick up my first helmet, but I'd appreciate your guys' opinions and suggestions before committing to anything. I assume my head is larger than average because I'm a pretty tall. I bought a tape measure today and measured my head at 23.5 in - 24 in (60 cm - 61 cm) above the ears. I would also say my head isn't as round as it is more narrow and tall. I'm not sure how much more information or measurements I can provide, but based on this information can anyone suggest a lid that would fit me best? Based on what I've read on BSN, I've seen that Altmann buckets fit best for large heads (if my head is indeed large). Would this be a solid choice and is there anything worth noting about the Altmann for a first time costume builder? What alterations would have to be made for it to be 501st approved? Thanks!
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