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Everything posted by Josafoot

  1. Sorry to hijack this thread. How are the belts attached in the back?
  2. I can see where the visor should/would be glued to the face mask (visa versa) I was looking into using magnets to close it. I assume there is a tutorial on here somewhere? I was looking at using magnets but I am not sure how to keep a gap from forming. PM Sent
  3. So I have my helmet nearly there. Just a few questions about how/if the visor should be attached. Currently, the visor is attached through the elevator screws and just happens to sit over the face plate and helmet. If I were to lift on the visor, the visor (alone) would go up while the face plate remains mostly in place. Is this the correct way? Should I attach the visor to the face plate some where else? Also, how does one keep the face plate flush to the main helmet assembly? It seems like it wants to float there more than stay flush.
  4. Hello, So I got a SC kit and was surprised to find most of the part trimmed and read to assemble. I have a long list of questions for the the assembly of the armor in general: 1.) The chest/back: Are the "shoulder" pieces supposed to join together? Do they just butt up next to each other and are attached via velcro? 2.) How does one attach the "arm pieces" (Shoulder bells, biceps and elbow pads) I assume there is a T- strap similar to the clone trooper armor. Does the T-strap attach all three for each arm? 3.) What thickness (width) should the elastic be for the arm pieces? 4.) What thickness (width) should the elastic be for the leg pieces? 5.) I used ABS cement for the back plate, do I need to add a rivet as well? Thanks for any help.
  5. Thanks! You answered my next question. Where do most people get the webbing and suede? Should the suede be flexible?
  6. I was looking at the Wampa wear racing suit. The suit pictured seems to be lacking in the suede and has visible pockets. They are not zippered pockets, but they are there.
  7. Where could one buy these gloves? Link?
  8. Sounds good. I am going to avoid these boots then. Who are the better/cheaper vendors of boots?
  9. Starting to muster my scout trooper kit. Purchased an armor kit and was looking for the various soft parts. For boots, the site I bought the kit from mentioned using on quart chemical boots. I have seen posts regarding rubber rain boots, however, these seem more robust. http://www.qcsupply.com/71505-onguard-16-white-boot-steel-toe.html?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=productfeeds&sel=11841&gclid=Cj0KEQiAwNmzBRCaw9uR3dGt950BEiQAnbK9684fTkr3AZoJIxEzavlrQtvMug4NZ9llLLMowqWgc1caAqpq8P8HAQ Any thoughts? I tried to make clone trooper shoes which was a disaster bit maybe the boots are easier to make?
  10. That is pretty much as I figured. Mostly wishful thinking.
  11. Hello, I am finally dabbling in the scout trooper world and I am looking to start with a helmet. I found two helmets for too good to be true prices. So here I am: The first was from an ebay vendor and is a complete helmet for around $250. Here is the link, it is supposed to be a flashback props base with a paint job? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Biker-Scout-Inspired-Adult-Helmet-Life-Size-Costume-Display-Deluxe-Replica/151916108087?_trksid=p2045573.c100033.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131017132637%26meid%3Daa0c80bdf0c44570ac9383183a6cac03%26pid%3D100033%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D272075501504 The other is a Kit that also comes witht he armor. The site claims to be the 501st approved but I have no idea. http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html I am hoping to have this done soon, so just let me know. I have not found anything here about either of these vendors or the kit. Sorry to post this, but my buddy has a birthday comming up and I was thinking about getting him this bucket. I know it is not scout trooper but any advice is appreciated as well. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Snow-trooper-Star-Wars-helmet-Snowtrooper/272075501504?_trksid=p2045573.c100033.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131017132637%26meid%3Daa0c80bdf0c44570ac9383183a6cac03%26pid%3D100033%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26mehot%3Dlo%26sd%3D272075501504
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